South Carolina Primary Discussion & Prediction

Question for those who claim they will sit out if Bernie gets ratfucked. If Bernie gets a plurality of the pledged delegates, but loses based on superdelegate votes, does that count as ratfucking?

If I understand it correctly, that’s possible within the rules.

Ha that doesn’t just count, that’s literally what they mean by ratfuck.


I’m not a Bernie voter for the primary, but I would be pissed if he gets at least 40% of delegates, no one else gets close, and he doesn’t get the nomination.

If he gets 30% and the next person gets 28%, then 25% then 17%…welllll, that’s a different story.


full disclosure: I have applied to be a delegate for Pete at the DNC. If Bernie has 40% or more and no one else comes close (next guy at 20%, for example), I would be hard pressed to vote for anyone else but Bernie in a second ballot.


I was kind of assuming that ratfucking would involve at least one of the following

  1. Changing the rules

  2. Other candidates colluding in primaries and caucuses to prevent Bernie from reaching a majority (right now they’re doing pretty much the opposite of this, the longer everyone hangs around, the better for Bernie it is).

There may be some other things that would qualify, that I can’t think of at the moment. But I didn’t think it would include a loss that was completely by the book (even if it included a Bernie plurality).

But if that’s what they mean, I’ll take your word for it.

My only problem with that is semantic. It’s bad, it’s a fucking of sorts, and I wouldn’t be happy with it. But I wasn’t including it in “ratfucking”. For me it doesn’t matter as much though. I’m voting for any Dem vs. Florida man.

I respect that. I’ve applied to be a Bernie delegate. It would be pretty cool to have several Unstuck members involved in the actual nominating process. Would definitely need a forum meetup if that ends up happening.

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but…she got 5th…

I don’t understand…

WaPo absolutely fragged Warren - thinking Bezos is on her side is crazy.

That’s good, but I figure you are about the best case scenario and you’re still just hard pressed and Bernie has a 20 point lead in this scenario. And what if you are very hard pressed, like Pete is telling you to vote for someone else and people are all talking about how you said you were going to listen to Pete. And again, best case scenario. Bernie is now your #2 and that probably isn’t the case for most Pete delegates. And you’re not even a delegate for sure.


If Bernie has a plurality but not 50% + 1, he better be playing the game going into the convention. VP Warren, let Biden get a keynote/big speech and some legit input on cabinet positions, Pete gets in the cabinet and/or a keynote, etc… He needs a few of his opponents to tell their delegates to support him, and “It’s the right thing to do,” is not going to be how that gets done. He also needs their voters to turn out for him in the election.

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Warren supporters: If this is true, how is she really a progressive? Are policies more important to her than power? Can you trust her sincerity either way? Blunting Bernie’s momentum? If the shoe were on the other foot I would be shocked and disgusted if Bernie’s campaign wanted to blunt Warren’s momentum and might help Bloomberg or Biden.


It’s been a ridiculous week for her. She was always sus but the mask is off. Standard say anything do anything politician in sheep’s clothing.


The Warren person didn’t say anything about helping Biden. He was saying the same thing everyone here is saying: Biden winning tonight helps all of the trailing candidates because a Bernie win would mean he was running away with it.

Well of course it’s all hypothetical. I really think there will be quite a bit of argument that we can’t tear apart the party if Bernie has that many delegates going in. Most people I talk to that pay this much attention and understand delegate math (the same types who go to the convention) are on the same page. This 40% number isn’t one I came up with on my own. People are already discussing this.

The virulent anti-Bernie, anti-Pete, anti-whoever shit that everyone here is talking about and thinking like is really not happening outside of the internet sphere. If they were truly anti-Bernie, the moderates would have started colluding long ago. Quite obviously, they are not.

I have called, texted, and canvassed thousands of people over the past month. I’ve talked to way more “can’t decide between Bernie and Pete” people than “hahaha Pete is a rat” or “Bernie can’t win or the country will explode” people.


I saw and understood the video and the obvious possible effects of blunting Bernie’s momentum and I’m correct that Warren’s campaign would understand that as well.

Maybe Warren doesn’t see herself as second fiddle to Bernie on Team Progressive?

I believe you as far as civilians go. But delegates are different. And you may not even be insider enough to become a delegate. As far as colluding goes, I assume most people know that it’s not something that can be done brazenly, but more importantly no one needs to collude if they select the right delegates.

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She should see herself on the same team. That’s what any Warren supporter, at least the ones here who seem to care about these policies, should want. But, you’re concern trolling.