South Carolina Primary Discussion & Prediction

As I’ve said on here multiple times - I’ve been a Warren supporter from the beginning because I’ve been a huge fan of her performance in congress for years. I personally really don’t care that much what she does or says on the campaign trail - because I view that like a job interview when we already reams of on-job performance data. I just get a gut feeling she’d be able to get things done.

However I voted Bernie in the CA primary because I don’t think Warren has a chance at the moment, and I want to put my vote behind which of the two of them has the best chance.

Also I don’t think you can completely handwave away the NA stuff. Maybe if she’d come out and gave some heartfelt speech about how her supposed native American heritage was so important to her and her family growing up, and how she was so proud of that and it was part of her identity, etc. But afaik? she hasn’t done that.

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oh i see what you’re saying. Considering that the campaigns have the influence over who gets vetted as potential delegates, I would say that I’m fairly confident that if Pete gets delegates in my district, I have a VERY GOOD chance to be one of them. county-wide volunteer leads tend to have the favor of the campaign

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Warren needs to gtfo, and this coming from a friend; a bern endrosement would be nice as well.

If Bernie loses to Florida Man or Sleepy loses to Florida Man, Liz will have a shot in 2024. She’ll be 74, 4 years younger than two front runners today.

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Just glanced at twitter. Gawd, the MSM has already crowned Biden, named Harris as his VP, and are picking out the white House drapes.

time to get back to canvass prep for a while.

I get that to a Bernie supporter, the goal of this exercise is to push the Party as far to the left as possible. But when you see people voting for Biden, that should tell you that there are other things involved in picking a nominee.

aoc 2028? she will not be old enough in 2024 to run

Joe can do a bit better than Kamala

I don’t begrudge Warren staying in the race all the way to the convention if that’s what she wants, but an intent to stop Bernie when the most likely alternatives are Bloomberg or Biden doesn’t reflect well on her commitment to the issues.

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Could be

OMG so left. So communist! So populist! He must be stopped!


I’d like to push the Party off a cliff.

Actually up this thread I think it was Biden voters who most wanted a complete government takeover of health care. So maybe seeing people vote for Biden doesn’t mean what you think it does.


Biden got 39% of voters who identify as very liberal today (Bernie 30%). So he is the far left choice. We need someone like Bernie who doesn’t have such broad appeal to the far left, as a compromise candidate


The most infuriating thing was that while Biden was crushing, the exit polls were showing that a majority support M4A. WTF?!

I also saw numerous Tweets from people in SC on their way to the polls asking who they should vote for! If we could just transfer our current voter suppression tactics of the poor and minorities to the ill informed and galactically stupid, we’d be much better off as a society

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LOL, what a scoop. “Trailing candidates hope to blunt the momentum of the leading candidate!” They realize this is a contest, right?

Idk if you are leveling, but the graphic shows a significantly greater percentage of Bernie supporters favoring single payer than of Biden supporters. Bernie got 28% of the voters who want single payer, but only 20% of the overall vote. The simplest way of presenting the figure is that 67% of SC Bernie voters favor single payer, whereas only 45% of SC Biden voters do. The correlation is maybe less than you’d expect, but it’s still there. Voters aren’t 100% clicking buttons.

I don’t think it’s a big deal, but she should realize she’s not in that contest any more. She needed to do well beyond 7% in SC tonight to have any path to the nomination. Even in the brokered convention, it’s still not gonna be her. Her path right now is both of the two old dudes dropping dead. Her probability is so low now that it’s way better for her to bow out with some grace than continue this flailing campaign.

I will agree with this take after Super Tueday, btw. I think she can reasonably say that she owes it to her supporters to see what happens there, even if the writing is pretty much on the wall. After that, I think everyone but Biden and Bernie should bow out (though of course I hope Buttigjge and Bloombito stay in).

If no other candidates drop out it is pretty rare to see so many candidates with basically no chance at delegates let alone the nomination continue (Pete, Warren, Klob, Lolsi) through Super Tuesday. Seems like this has to help Bernie a lot as it is probably keeping the few candidates who have any real shot from hitting the threshold in some places.

For comparision the 2016 Republican primary which was perhaps even more wide open than this race was down to 5 by ST with only Ben Carson failing to hit 15% anywhere. Kasich made it in 2 states and Trump/Cruz/Rubio made it basically everywhere.

I guess my question is why do we have so many candidates staying in this time who have a 0% chance to come anywhere close to the pledged delegate lead by the end? Is it really just the brokered convention outcome? It seems odd to be a Pete or Warren who have spent a lot of time paying lip service to coming together as a party to defeat Trump and then do the most divisive thing you can do which is scheme for a sleazy backdoor convention nomination. That is especially true after being thoroughly rejected by the vast majority of the Democratic electorate.


Got it, setbacks occur => quit immediately, cool, thanks.