So...The Worst Case Scenario...

I’m actually on team WAAF most days but don’t see this happening. We’ll be relevant. Evil, probably, and actively making the world a worse place, sure, but still relevant.

I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.

In that scenario America would still be “relevant” but only as an exporter of entertainment for the English speaking world, in much the same way as Britain is only “relevant” as a destination for tourists hooked on costume dramas. Deal with it.

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I’m not full on “WAAF” like some here, but this is overly optimistic.

The Democrats lost 2 senate seats in 2018 and might nominate Joe Fucking Biden as the next presidential nominee (which would absolutely crater the aforementioned “young people’s interest” imo).

Honestly even the best case scenarios look pretty bleak to me.


How’d you get that cool title and sticker thingy?

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The cool kids don’t go for decals.

nonconformist till the bitter end. your aversion towards the popular is truly trendy

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You cannot honestly like that music. If there was a genuine risk of increased popularity via your advocacy for the beef, would you be reluctant for that very same reason to champion wtf it is he does? lmao

That is an astonishingly good album.

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I just listened to that entire song, and I can confidently say yeah, no

Yes it is. It’s been scientifically proven so there.

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you’re attracted to it for reasons wholly independent of the music

Did your spartan phase begin in your late teens?

I mean on a serious note :musical_note: … taste is personal and I’d hate everyone to like the same things, but any time yours differs wildly from the overwhelming critical consensus it’s time to re-evaluate dude.

Yes, via CAN.


there isn’t an adult in recorded human history to do that in reverse order

lol as if

reconcile the selective usage of this phrase much in your travels?

lol wat? Revere order?