So how do we get into this game on a profession level?



Can you get a real job now?

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Honestly I really want us to focus on offense as much as humanly possible. How do we stop their voters from wanting to go to the polls? I’m not sure yet, but I’m pretty sure that’s the mission.

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Can we schedule a NASCAR event and gun show on runoff day?


I don’t know why it can’t be both. It’s the same concept, work on messaging, make ads, microtarget them at the right people.

I think the end game should include offering like free/nearly free (depending on laws) consulting on messaging/strategy for progressive primary challengers and candidates. Perhaps also polling/modeling for where to invest. We can poll better than these fuckers doing all the polling, if you give us enough time/resources to figure it out.

Let’s just have a huge gun show, get everyone inside, lock the doors and leave. Sort of like a Trump rally, except we’ll leave them inside instead of on the side of the road.

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Lol the first thing I thought of was running MAGA events in Alabama, Central FL, and SC in an attempt to get some of them to go there and not bother to vote.

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Breaks the risk thresh hold. Besides I like the idea of funding ourselves by selling MAGA merch to morons. That was my favorite part of the idea.


These morons are forging ahead with trying to make Build Back Better a thing:

Can’t even imagine thinking that anyone would find this to be an emotionally resonating slogan… It’s like a parody of soulless overly workshopped corporate sloganing.


Podcasting is a legitimate job! BTW, have I mentioned how great MeUndies are?


They’re boomers dude. Boomers love that shit. They’re the ones who created all of it.

A fundraising ad:

Show downright evil GOP anti turnout ad

“For just 10 dollars we’ll show that ad to X believers in Q anon. It’s time to start deprogramming your friends and family.”


We could just hire her. This thread alone is enough of a resume:


This is what I mean when I say our race was Ammar vs. Trump. Though, to be fair to the persuasion side of things, we did outperform Biden in our district, which was opposite the national trend.


If this gains any traction, just to warn everyone ahead of time: There are going to be a TON of bad ideas thrown around. (Hell I’ll probably spitball some of them myself)

That is a good thing, and it’s okay if we don’t have 100% agreement. I trust the consensus wisdom of people here, even if it will be at odds with my personal thoughts.


Maybe identify small-ball lefty candidates that the DNC isn’t helping and try to find ways to give them a push.


Like nunneheeee


I think the plan is definitely to get involved in primary challenges of establishment Dems by progressives. Can’t do that for a while, though.

Forget that for the most part. We don’t have enough of a bench yet. Identify races where Republicans run unopposed like city Council, county supervisor, etc And get qualified candidates to run there first.

Be prepared to lose. A lot. It’s only something like 5 to 10% of new candidates who win their elections the first time they run.

The Run For Something group/pac already does this, but I think their downside is that they are not concentrated enough. They endorse something like 300 candidates all across the country this year. We should pick a spot that is say, moderate right now or slightly red, and concentrate on getting candidates there


I think we can outperform given that most new candidates aren’t running digital media campaigns, and I think there’s a limited window of opportunity til the establishment stops wandering around and figures this out.

Why not look for House districts with low turnout primaries where the incumbent won’t put any money into the primary, then run under the radar digital campaigns entirely on FB/IG and door to door, and try to catch them completely off guard? Think AOC, but even more under the radar. My thought would be to make the establishment think the primary challenge is a joke, and they never know what hit them until a week after the election is over when they finally figure it out.

But definitely should look at local stuff too. We could target cities in swing or light red states where the mayor/county supervisor has power to administer elections - like Houston, Lina Hidalgo was huge in getting turnout up there.