So how do we get into this game on a profession level?

I think the plan is definitely to get involved in primary challenges of establishment Dems by progressives. Can’t do that for a while, though.

Forget that for the most part. We don’t have enough of a bench yet. Identify races where Republicans run unopposed like city Council, county supervisor, etc And get qualified candidates to run there first.

Be prepared to lose. A lot. It’s only something like 5 to 10% of new candidates who win their elections the first time they run.

The Run For Something group/pac already does this, but I think their downside is that they are not concentrated enough. They endorse something like 300 candidates all across the country this year. We should pick a spot that is say, moderate right now or slightly red, and concentrate on getting candidates there


I think we can outperform given that most new candidates aren’t running digital media campaigns, and I think there’s a limited window of opportunity til the establishment stops wandering around and figures this out.

Why not look for House districts with low turnout primaries where the incumbent won’t put any money into the primary, then run under the radar digital campaigns entirely on FB/IG and door to door, and try to catch them completely off guard? Think AOC, but even more under the radar. My thought would be to make the establishment think the primary challenge is a joke, and they never know what hit them until a week after the election is over when they finally figure it out.

But definitely should look at local stuff too. We could target cities in swing or light red states where the mayor/county supervisor has power to administer elections - like Houston, Lina Hidalgo was huge in getting turnout up there.

This would be like venture capitalism. Invest in a bunch of cheap, smaller races and hope you get in on the ground floor of someone who goes on to bigger and better things, with them dragging you along with them so that you have influence when your most successful horses attain higher office.

I’d look for a state legislature that can be flipped in 4-10 years.

not sure if this has been suggested yet, but since local print media is dwindling and getting overwhelmed with fake news on facebook, perhaps supporting independent local reporting is a necessity. like imagine if 10% of what was spent on harrison senate race went to provide a salary for 10 journalists with a platform to print/post/vlog.

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So towards what the main messaging should be in GA for these runoffs, it’s very clearly this: “If Democrats take these two seats in Georgia, the first thing we are going to do is pass a new covid stimulus package which will put $1500 dollars in the bank account of every person in Georgia. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans will never pass a stimulus like that because they already gave themselves and their billionaire pals all the stimulus they could ever want”, needs work but the sense is there. Micro target on healthcare, voting rights, etc… but for the love of God don’t mention ackingpay the ourtscay.


The first thing we need to do is get a legit twitter going. Between all of us, we come up with some gold, multiple times per day. And, on occasion, we settle into a groove on something that everyone is getting wrong. COVID in March and the election since 7PM Tuesday were great examples.

We have two big advantages:
(1) 24 hour coverage and the ability to crowdsource. We can crowdsource content (important) and crowdsource review (equally important) and have minimal curating and management.
(2) Our members can retweet the content, which will help a lot in the beginning.

We could have something similar to BestOf, except recommending it for twitter. Either it gets reposted in a twitter thread for a quick discussion, or we have a likes threshold where a nominated post will get tweeted if it is met within a certain period of time.

We would need strict rules about how everything you post HAS to be your own content, or you’re taking a serious time out. Especially re: memes. Someone also needs to actually manage the twitter account.

We obviously also need to share a more concrete vision and philosophy of messaging. However, this seems like Step 1a to making real shit happen. It ain’t gonna be possible by Jan 5 though.


Thinking of non standard targeted ads, can anyone get photos of Loefler or Perdue hanging out with Bill Belichick? Cut an ad about them being a diehard Pateiots fan. Hell, just photoshop something together and lie, it’s what the Republicans would do.

I once did some math on this before, local newspaper advertising is incredibly expensive per impression. Like 20x that of tv.

So I like all of this and think it should be done, but there’s not a shortage of witty leftists on twitter. I think making this place into a more powerful content engine is good, but it’s also not where I see the major roles that aren’t being filled in by the Democratic Party.

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I completely agree that podcasts are super over saturated but one about getting this off the ground might not suck.

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As someone who sits in an office for 8 hours a day while only working for 1 of those… there is plenty of space for another podcast.


i’m not really thinking about local newspaper ads. i think local reporting is an important function of democracy and it needs patreon-like support.


Rude bro… rude.

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I volunteer to mukbang


Sorry Vic, this is the thread for people that actually want to make a difference. You must have made a wrong turn while looking for the thread dedicated to being an aggressive dick to people who aren’t 100% perfect liberal specimens. Take your shit elsewhere.


We are middle-aged white guys, it’s sort of weird we don’t have a podcast.


That’s actually quite tame compared to some of the things he’s said directly to me. Not as laugh-inducing or ban-worthy, though.

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I was thinking a little more sinister, like painting them as New York socialites who hang in questionable circles. Show Epstein while saying it, and call her a fraud who’s not on our side. Basically you’re saying she’s fake Q.

This. I want to take 5, 10, 15 of us and start a full time operation. Like that’s how Justice Dems and Brand New Congress started. Some people got together and decided to do it.

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I think you take what’s there in the record. They lied about covid while they lined their pockets with the spoils of illegal stock trading based on classified information. They abused their power and broke the public trust. Now, when Americans need urgent relief, during the worst wave of the pandemic they lied about, they’re asking to be returned to Washington, so they can team up with Cocaine Mitch to deny the workers of Georgia the stimulus payments it desperately needs. With your vote for D1 and D2, you can help chart a fundamentally different course: we take covid very seriously and we realize some people are working less and some can’t work all, so our plan is to provide $1500 stimulus to every Georgian, no questions asked.