Should Julian Assange be pardoned?

Pretty sure whatever action Snowden is getting in Russia makes his life infinitely better than mine.

please elaborate

She’s an acrobat. To my mind that’s the next best thing to a contortionist.

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The relevant question is this a just prosecution or is it unjust? If it’s unjust Assange should be pardoned. I don’t care why Trump decides to do it.

The relevant question is, is this a just prosecution or is it unjust and is it up to Trump to decide? It’s relevant to the answer that Trump conspired with Assange and Putin to get himself installed in the first place.

What? No. If there is no case but the bureaucracy of the justice department wants to move forward with an extradition and prosecution, that makes a pardon far more compelling. But I don’t think that’s the case and Assange will be convicted if he stands trial.

It seems like you have more faith in Trump, a criminal, to decide questions of justice in a case involving his own interests, than the actual justice system. I mean, ok, maybe it’s close.

If I was prez I would definitely assassinate Greenwald just to piss off Keeeeeeeeed.

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Of course it’s up to Trump to decide. The President has an absolute power to pardon.

I do! That says a lot more about our justice system than Trump.

Like, are you actually trying to argue that our federal court system couldn’t possibly deliver an unjust result here? lol?

I’ve heard as much. The guy who thinks he can pardon himself was saying it.

No. Assange knows that too but decided to spin the wheel of justice anyway. Let’s see what it lands on.

I’ll read up on Assange later in the week when I have time. But to be clear: Your main gripe with him is that you feel he aided Russia in undermining the 2016 election to help Trump by timely exposing Hillary’s emails? And you don’t think he’s a sincere journalist? Anything else?

I just opened this thread for the first time. MCM, you’re not losing your cool are you?

People calling for the assassination of GG and Assange in here. Thread is a bit crazy.

Meh just the leader of the Left-Bashing Project

Grunching: No he shouldn’t be pardoned because fuck that guy. Exiting thread now.

He shouldn’t be pardoned. He should face a fair trial.

If he is pardoned Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner should be also even though there is zero chance of this happening.

Chelsea Manning and Reality Winner should definitely be the first to get pardons.

How did Assange spin the wheel of justice and the NY Times not spin the wheel of justice when they published stories on the same documents?

The fact that you can reduce Assange’s role in the 2016 election to “shenanigans” says soooooo much

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I mean, did he break any laws?

Why should he be prosecuted? What’s the difference between what Assange did and what the New York Times did?

You’ve already been told, repeatedly. It was even in the Muller report I’m sure neither you nor Greenwald read. The guy was and remains, in the most charitable terms possible, a Russian asset, and at worst, a Russian agent. Hard to say if what he did was illegal though I guess we will never know :man_shrugging:

He should have been prosecuted for rape.

Butnahhhh hard to do that when he hides out in an embassy until the statute runs.