Should Julian Assange be pardoned?

about fucking time.

This unusual location was chosen because Julian Assange did not want to go to the continental US. He has a deep-seated mistrust of the US government, whom he has accused of trying to kill him in the past - something that Washington denies.

didnā€™t trump explicitly say he was putting a hit out on assange?

Trump said Biden sent the FBI to take him (Trump) out. He says a lot of shit. Which is not to say it would be surprising if Assange fell out of a window.

I donā€™t pay attention to this much.

What happened to the sexual assault allegations?

Sweden dropped the investigation.

Okay. A quick google suggests they dropped them because the passage of time made it much harder to prosecuteā€¦

Iā€™m putting this in the ā€œheā€™s probably a creepā€ categoryā€¦

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I donā€™t know all the details, and he could be a creep, but surely if anyone gets credit for possibly being framed itā€™s him right?

Wasnā€™t the Swedish charge long before the heat for EXPOSING the US ATROCITIES?

As this site has taught me, both can be true at the same time (dude always liked the gals and appears to be a creep to me but not much framing likely before the notoriety)

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According to Wikipedia both are 2010.

If I remember correctly then he is a creep but the charges might not have been brought if he hadnā€™t been wanted by the US. It was used to stop him from leaving Europe while the US still didnā€™t have enough to prevent that.

In the creep debate Pamela Anderson brought him vegetarian lasagna, in captivity.