Should Jman, Jal, Fidget and Wookie no longer be allowed to respond to each other?

This. I was trying to figure out some new way of getting the four to act like at least preteens. The community doesn’t like the idea. So be it.

I guess I’ll have to block all four even though I do like reading their other posts but since it is clear they can’t act like adults there is really no other choice.

Probably just a coincidence that the last two or three times this infantile bullshit has popped up it just happened to be after you decided to make some ■■■■■ little swipe at jalfrezi.

Shit, there was an agreed upon detente at one point in a thread (I don’t remember and the search here is too shitty for me to find it) where jal, churchill, fidget, and possibly marty agreed to chill out and you decided to pop into the thread 2 days after everybody agreed to play nice and just started lobbing grenades.

Just add each other to your ignore lists and shut the fuck up already.


Sometimes when working through complex situations, it’s time to take action, when the consequences of the action are less harmful than the risk involved. Assuming the regs (whom I don’t really consider myself one of) are sick of the noise, my advice would be to pull one of the jenga blocks out of the tower and see if it resolved the problem. Maybe start with the loudest most disruptive poster and see if things suddenly quiet down after their unending agitation and rattling is quieted. If that doesn’t significantly change things then add another mod then pull wookie in that order. Things still don’t change remod wookie and charge it all to the game.


All of the rational discussion is negated by one simple, overarching truth:

They love this shit.

We have a few folks here that sniping at their adversaries on message boards is something they really really enjoy. It’s like the kid in debate club - they just love to grapple. Nothing will change that, no great compromise or mod change or mediation.

It’s fun for them and they love it and will never stop. Only thing the rest of us can control is whether WE find it amusing, and if not, happy trails.


I usually just skim the drama threads to keep somewhat up to date on the status of this fine forum we’ve built here. It seems like jalfrezi is at the center of most drama issues on this forum. The solution seems very simple


@microbet , please tell me more about how I’m the one who keeps trolling/poking after an issue has settled down:

To be clear, not a poke at me, but a poke by your pal @Jalfrezi at Wookie to start this all up again.

This pokes you? Seriously? Get some thicker skin dude. Holy shit.


DId you read my entire post? No, it absolutely does not. It wasn’t even directed at me. It was a poke at Wookie. I just find it ironic that @microbet and others accuse me of being the shit-stirrer here. I’m sure Wookie doesn’t give a shit either, but if @microbet is going to lie and continually post that I’m just trolling jalfrezi and he’s just some innocent bystander in all this, well then lol.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that jalfrezi post.

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Lol, you’re right, just total coincidence that he picked the term “nakedly racist.” Wasn’t intended to continue the argument at all. To be clear, I DGAF that he made the post, at all.



Yea clearly because you felt the need to come here and post about it; i think wookie can “defend” himself just fine. That post is snarky and nothing more. It makes reference to his ban. Is he like, not allowed to do that?

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I don’t care what he does. My post was directed at microbet, who has taken the ludicrous position that every single one of these arguments is because I am intentionally targetting his friend.

So I’ll prove what a ludicrous position that is by targetting him again.

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Oh my god will you two stop


I’ve also accused you of trolling jalfrezi but that doesn’t mean I think jal’s an innocent bystander in this, I just think it’s dumb that his reaction leads to him getting banned while your provocation is ignored. If I was banned and accused of making a racist post because a mod misread my post I’d probably troll them about it too.


lol nice bump Jman.


I put this thread on mute and won’t necessarily see or respond to things in it. This isn’t a poke at you as you know, so maybe stay out of it? You have about 10 percent of a point maybe as this issue has really not settled down. The 90% of you not having a point says a lot about your motivation. How about shutting up about it for a while?

Jalfrezi, I suggest you let the mod action go. It was retracted and the mod logs were amended. Nothing is perfect, but this is the best you’re going to get. Maybe Jman will stay out of it for a while. Probably not. I’m sure Wookie would love for this all to stop and as I said before, if Jman stops there won’t be anything happening and thus no more conflict between you and Wookie.


Force them all to ignore each other imo. They are all fine posters when left to their own devices (at least from what I see) but whenever they interact it turns into a dumpster fire.