SenorKeeed For Mod!

Fair point. I wasn’t accusing you personally of being hypocritical (and sorry if it came off that way), just pointing out that the precedent has been set that line jumping is ok, so don’t think we should selectively enforce that rule (assuming we do have a rule of first come, first serve for mods).

I do think this shows why we need an established process for this - e.g. how many mods, what is the process for adding new mods, what happens when a mod’s term expires and multiple people want to replace him/her (does the current mod stay if he gets 2/3rds or do we go to the volunteer list).

If Wookie can start a thread for Chads on his own volition, I don’t see why Churchill can’t start one for Keed. Of course, if Keed now decides he doesn’t want it, poll should be closed.


This post will pertain solely to the process of “selecting” mods.

I don’t think it is appropriate for one member to start a (binding) poll to make another member a mod. There are so many potential problems with that process that it should be obvious to everybody.

In short, this poll should not be binding. It could serve some purpose as a straw poll but that’s it.

Yeah I think they’ve all been public before without any issues raised. I don’t see a problem with it, myself. Seems better actually.

Writing polls is hard. Lots of polls have problems. I don’t know what to do, but possibly some sort of poll playground or polls need to reach some threshold and not have too many objections before being moved into an official poll area. :shrug:

I have no issue with anybody seeing how I voted.

I’m also shocked that we suddenly have a bunch of new rules for mod voting and polls.

I think that while some mods have posted aggressively towards posters they have had problems with, there has been so little revenge modding that maybe we’re better off if we assume that that sort of thing won’t happen.

One argument for having mods start “official” polls is that mods can’t be ignored. If a normal poster makes a poll some people may not be able to vote without changing their settings. Regular posters should still be able to propose these types of polls though.


FYI, my no vote isn’t because i don’t think Keeed should be a mod, it’s because this governing by pole is fucking stupid and a recipe for disaster. How the hell did a forum of big government liberals decide that this is the best way to run a forum? Like, seriously, there are only a few hundred active posters here. Someone could literally conquer this forum the way we have it set up. It’s the same reason I voted against Chads.

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This is exactly how every mod and admin was selected and confirmed on this site except for the handful who got the status by benefit of being a former 2+2 mod.

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I’m sure @jmakin would defend us if the flashlight forum tried to roll up in here

How would you suggest making this forum unconquerable? Are people not even allowed to vote for mods or rules? Recall mods or change rules? Yeah, 2p2 was unconquerable because it was owned by MM (not that that means it couldn’t be fucked with and destroyed). What do you suggest? Someone just take over? (If the worry here is about people leaving and that’s what someone does, then you might not get what you want.)

You should post some examples of my trolling.

I was thinking of taking some time off because I was unhappy with the direction of the site. I volunteered to be a mod because I think I can help change the direction of the site in a positive way.

This is absurd and I would obviously never act this way. My whole platform on moderation is increased documentation and transparency. Just nonsense.


I guess it can’t be totally unconquerable, but one week simple majoirty popular vote polls to change any rule or do anything seems dumb.

More random comments:

  1. All things considered, I favor a public non-anonymous poll wrt modding (and everything else)

  2. I am happy if PocketChads, SenorKeeed, or anyone else becomes a mod “before” me; I previously volunteered to place my name on a list of potential future mods and this was done with the goal to have such a list and not necessarily because I have a great desire to be a UP mod

  3. My previous experience modding a forum in which SenorKeeed was a frequent and unadulterated troll leads me to have serious reservations as to his fitness to be a mod. But I don’t think his “brand” of posting is any secret around here. If people want to make him a mod, please do so with eyes wide open.


I mean…if you’re right that Keeed has trolled a lot in the past and also right that’s not who he really is, there’s a good chance we’ll see the “real” Keeed as a mod and so it’s a big net win for the forum.


Like, do we even have a post requirement or length of time as a member requirement to vote?

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Like I said, you should post some examples if you feel this strongly. Make your case.

Like the first day of this site I tried to get something going about who we were going to count as members.

Or we could have a regular polling day. Where we put up a bunch of polls. To ensure we get enough engagement.

No offense to you or Keed, but I don’t think this is a good line of argument. This is basically the same reasoning that Sklansky used about Trump.

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