SenorKeed's Fall Weight Loss Challenge

If you’ve got two half decent players you’re absolutely going to have an elevated heart rate. We had a table in Darwin and would get covered in sweat after a game. Also had a pool which we could cool off in. I really miss the pool but probably will never have one again.


You work up a good sweat in Darwin reading a book, to be fair.


You can build up a sweat reading in Greenland if it’s the right sort of book.

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I once played the 25th best table tennis player in the world (Matthew Sayed, though it was a few years after he had that ranking). I was running about all over the place.


I’d give it a 9/10. Depends a bit on the particular instructor and the music they use, but I regard it as improved technology in the area of fitness. (Not the science of fitness but in the delivery system.)

Back from the holidays. 177.4 lbs this morning. I’ve decided to implement a scheme for weight control around my target weight. I’d like to be in the low 170s for now I think, and then slowly decrease my target weight throughout the year. End up at about 165 at the end of 2020.

So to do this I’m going to weigh myself every morning and then implement a trigger weight that will initiate a harsh diet and then another weight that will allow me to leave the diet. And I’ll adjust both those weights downward throughout the year.

Here are the weights I’m going to use

Jan: 175, 170
Feb: 174.5, 169.5
Mar: 174, 169
Apr: 173.5, 168.5
May: 173, 168
Jun: 172.5, 167.5
Jul: 172, 167
Aug: 171.5, 166.5
Sep: 171, 166
Oct: 170.5, 165.5
Nov: 170, 165
Dec: 170, 165

So if I’m below my maximum weight for the month, I’ll just weigh myself daily and then post the daily numbers here once a week on Sunday. If I’m above that then I’ll start dieting aggressively and post daily ITT, as I did the past few months, until I get to the lower, “stop dieting” weight.

So since I’m above my January trigger weight, I will get a head start and begin my diet. I’ll stop dieting when I get down to 170. I’ve had good success with the potato diet so I think I will just do that until I get to 170. Should take maybe 10-14 days. I’ll post my morning weight ITT but I’m not going to bother with logging calories. This will be a more sustained, low key endeavour.


The main reason is it’s over complicated and doesn’t really help you hit your goal.

Your TDEE is roughly 2,055 calories per day and you want to lose ~1 pound per month for the next 12 months. You need to eat ~3,500 fewer calories a month to lose the pound, so that gets you to around 1,940 calories daily.

Eating 100-150 fewer calories per day is going to be a lot easier than going onto strict potato rations until you lose enough weight to eat normally, then back to the potatoes, rinse, repeat.

I don’t want to have to count calories. For me that’s a lot harder than potato dieting. Sporadic potato dieting will get me to my target weight extremely quickly without calorie counting or hunger. While it is an easy diet to execute, it isn’t particularly pleasant, so I will try to avoid getting to the point where I should be outside of the trigger points for the dieting phase. This should help me develop heuristics for modes of eating which keep me in my target zone. So to me, the main questions are: are my weight goals reasonable and prudent? I think they clearly are. At 170-175, I am still overweight. At 165 I would be just barely normal weight. I could add probably ten pounds of muscle and be in a healthy weight range at 165.

And I actually think that this mode of dieting is more sensible than anything else. In rich, abundant food environments we are designed to gain weight, which is why (imo) weight falls off effortlessly when we change our food environment to one that signals scarcity and desperation. Pack on the pounds in times of abundance, then use the stored calories in times of famine. Except there are no times of famine in modern society. But if your food environment is artificially restrictive (all I have is potatoes in the cave, things must be bad), then you can probably emulate that. Because it takes real effort and willpower to lose weight in a rich food environment, while it is effortless in an artificially scarce one. Which actually makes good sense from a biological perspective.

So while I appreciate the feedback, let’s look at specific criticisms of my goals. Are my weight targets reasonable? I think clearly yes. I was still overweight on December 20th, and it’s reasonable to want to lose ten more pounds this year. Even if I add substantial muscle my weight targets for this year are good, convince me I’m wrong. So I will also start a weightlifting regimen this week. Maybe I’ll even join the good gym so I will force myself to go due to financial considerations. Much easier to ignore a 10 dollar gym membership than a 60 dollar one. Plus the good gym has the good weight Nautilus weight machines.

165 shredded Keed.

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But barring large additions of muscle the number on the scale is a good enough and easily accessible proxy. Especially a day-to-day proxy. I’ll do other measurements as well, but probably not daily. My waist is 36.5" right now. My chest is 41", and my neck is 15.25". All points to the fact that I’m still overweight. Yes I know that NFL cornerbacks with 32" waists are obese but let’s be honest, I’m not an NFL cornerback.

But I’m going to go eat some potatoes, hit the gym and maybe buy some steak for dinner. Don’t need to go crazy with the potatoes, but keeping them at 50-80% of calories seems effective.

I’ve worked out 28 times in two months and haven’t altered my diet much. Beers once a week, sometimes pizza, super nachos (1500 cal) at least once per week, McDonald’s or Taco Bell on the way home from the gym. I’ve lost 20 lbs and 3 belt notches in 2 months and feel generally better. I just retired 2 pairs of pants I bought in August. To each their own, but 1 hour of sweating every two days seems like a reasonable approach.

My fitness place has a “transformation” competition from Jan 19 to March 15, where people who sign up compete to lose the most % weight. First place is $500. I plan to enroll and may focus more on food intake and move to 5 days per week of exercise (from 3.5). Goal would be to get from 300 to around 260. That would put me on a good path to 245 by mid May, which is kind of a general goal. Should be interesting.

I think reasonable goals are 32"-33" waist, 42" chest, maybe an inch off the neck. Leaner, stronger, less fat. 2019 Sascha Baron Cohen vs 2002 Borat.

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Straight potatoes from January 19 to March 15 with moderate cardio will get you down to 230 easy. Get paid homey.

Lol, I may go a little more extreme than is my natural inclination, but I think 2 months of potatoes and exercise could make my hair or teeth fall out or something. I may make one of two meals a day a smoothie.

Sardines are underrated IMO. I get made fun of for eating cat food but dude, for $0.99 you get a filling amount of wild-caught fish, already cooked for you, and it even tastes good!

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Next time I’m in the store I may get a can of boneless/skinless. The bones and skin made the whole thing pretty unpleasant when I tried it recently. @JohnnyTruant and @eeAWW, do you get them in oil or water?