Senate and House 2024

That could be political show. Necessary but not sufficient in this state. Her policies are fine afaik. Maybe she’ll be able to do something in 20 years or whatever. Otoh I voted for Sinema so what do I know.

I just assumed you have to be LDS to have a shot in a statewide election, so I was just wondering how delusional her bid is.

That may be true. The only indication I see is this on her website:

Deseret Industries (D.I.) is another thrift chain in Utah and other states where LDS membership is strong. D.I. has a direct association with the LDS Church. As a human rights advocate, I would recommend steering clear of D.I. after the LDS Church reportedly donated $20 million to the campaign fighting Yes on Proposition 8 in California, furthering our struggle for equality and freedom. So go to Thrift Town instead.

Weighs toward not LDS.

For sickos who like getting endless texts from politicians, here’s an easy way to donate to D Senate candidates

You can make one donation that gets split between all of the candidates, or you can choose to split it among a smaller group if you just want to focus on the competitive races.

May as well put all of the House election news here as well.

Cori Bush lost her primary, thanks largely to a flood of AIPAC money for her opponent.

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Is it just me or does that dude look like Devin Nunes’ skinnier twin.

Yet another laughably terrible candidate, lol gop.

All the wasted dollars the GOP spent trying to primary her makes me smile.

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Lol Garvey

Glad she survived as AIPAC is trying to wipe out progressive.

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So does this help or hurt him?

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Would not be surprised if Maryland turns out to be a problem. Lots of democrats around here who LOVE the idea of split ticket voting for a moderate to show how serious and very smart they are. And doesn’t help that Hogan is extremely popular already.

Not a lot of polling so far. Would be a pretty big gut punch if Tester or someone else pulls off an upset but we still lose the senate because of fucking Maryland.

I was watching some stream that came from Maryland. It was shocking to see a commercial from a Republican that was actually antiTrump.