Senate and House 2024

The MD Dem candidate was just on with the Pod Bros which makes me think that the eDems are very worried about the seat and were trying to get some attention on the race. She really hammered the, “A vote for Hogan is a vote for Republican control of the Senate” message, which is probably her best play.

So yeah here is the ad

If you are gonna win as a Republican in Maryland that is damn good.

Yeah, I don’t live in Maryland, but from what I can tell, Hogan is pretty popular. One of my wife’s college friends is a die-hard lib and works in politics (lobbyist). She really likes him, has posted pics of her with him, etc.

I live in the DMV, and for the past couple of weeks during Judge Judy (which presumably skews female and older), they’ve been frequently running a pro-choice, anti-Hogan ad.

The Senate map is very depressing. Even if Harris wins, and even if she gets to nominate a SC justice, it’ll have to be some Republican-lite person like Garland. And even then, she’ll have to kiss the ass of a couple “moderate” Republicans. It’s nauseating. And waiting until 2026 probably won’t help

Yeah, if Rs control the Senate she’ll appoint 0 judges to any courts unless she picks people that are to the right of Alito/Thomas.

Right, with non-SC judges it’ll be even worse. They’ll just stall on appointments, approving one moderate every now and then, just enough to show they’re being “bipartisan”. And the public won’t know or care bc it’s not the SC. They’ll just run out the clock from day 1

Reminder, Texas is fools gold.

Allred 45
Cruz 44

Morning Consult (same poll in Texas: trump 50/46 Harris)

I actually wouldnt be surprised if those polls are both correct, but there is no way that the levers get pulled that way on election day. Better the asshole I hate and know than a democrat and all.

Current status of the senate races. The hopium is that Cruz can, but probably won’t, lose.

idk if this is posted elsewhere (and it’s more gubernatorial than senate/house)… but it looks like a bunch of, if not all, of Robinson’s campaign people have now quit. top advisor, campaign manager, finance director, and deputy campaign manager all quit.

LOL all of them if they didn’t know what a POS this guy was. They’re obviously just resigning because now everyone else knows.




I am being kind of a pessimist in the Prez thread, so I just wanted to balance it out by coming here and saying Tammy Baldwin is a lock in WI. Book it. I haven’t even looked at the polls, maybe they reflect it

Hahahahaha lol ted cruz


What a cuck lord Cruz is

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I know I’m just flushing away money, but I sent a contribution to Allred. Styling on Cruz like that is worth something.


There are like 4 more equally devastating takedowns, Allred murdered him as bad as you’ll ever see

And he will still win by 8 points, because the world is a fucking nightmare