SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

You should mind your own business.



Also: You can’t have an abortion online.


Thanks for correcting me. Thought they were the same person.

nothing will happen, despite her profiting off the deaths of hundreds of thousands

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I always bring 200 friends with me when i get an abortion.


Looks like a lot of action in that thread


British American Tobacco , the maker of brands including Lucky Strike, Dunhill, Rothmans and Benson & Hedges, has said it has a potential coronavirus vaccine in development using tobacco plants.

^It’s a live feed so you might have to scroll down a bit. Any science heads have any insight on tobacco-based vaccines?

As the person banging the mom of the child in question, you are likely the least neutral bystander possible in this situation.

Help her to manage her own anxieties without contributing to chaos within THEIR family.


Also not a lawyer but, having dealt with custody/visitation issues many times over the past 12 years, this is good advice and indeed is probably the best you’re going to get even from an attorney (though still not a bad idea to consult one if it can be done cheaply). In my experience, it really boils down to how much of an asswhole he wants to be about it. The law is somewhat on his side here, as no doubt this is a contingency not foreseen nor covered in their custody/time-sharing agreement (so what’s in place now probably rules).

She can probably tell him to fuck off, and if she winds up in front of a judge later she might very well find sympathy (unless the judge is a Trump supporter who thinks it’s all a hoax, always a nonzero possibility). But even having to go to court or deal with the authorities on the matter would be a losing proposition…gotta hire a lawyer, take off work, etc. If he really wants to be a dick he can start sending cops to your house to do “welfare checks” (been there done that) which are no fun. Again it swings back to how much of a jerk this guy is and how willing he might be to make her (your) life miserable and only you guys know they. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.

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The Loeffler stuff is silly. Her and her husband are worth 500 million dollars, none of these “suspect” trades were financially significant to them and they had no input into them as their funds are managed.

"investing in a biz “that makes COVID-19 protective garments.” is a ridiculously misleading statement. Dupont is a massive company involved in a lot of markets being hit hard right now and their stock is down quite a bit.


UK deaths rise by 563

A total of 2,352 people have now died in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus in the UK, up by 563 since Tuesday.

The Department of Health said that, as of 9am on Wednesday, a total of 152,979 people have been tested of whom 29,474 tested positive.

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The daily death figures for the UK over the past 3 days are awful:
March 30th - 180
March 31st - 381
April 1st - 563


I don’t want to get into the middle of this discussion, but one issue I’m curious about that seems like a legitimate concern is whether the child, though not in any serious danger itself, could act as a vector to make the mom and other sick?

Was informed of my first confirmed exposure yesterday, March 31st. Date of the exposure? March 15. Like Felix said on yesterday’s show, it’d be great to Iive in a country that is capable of doing anything


IANAL, but I suspect “I have a guy who does all my trading for me” is not a defense, or anyway not much of one, just like the IRS isn’t going to let someone off the hook for back taxes, penalties and interest just because his CPA buddy did his taxes for him.

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This NYT Op-Ed appears to have made Hannity mad.

Fox’s Fake News Contagion

this is the part that’s most confusing to me about the ultra-wealthy. these trades were not going to really impact their lives in any way, but they just had to do them anyway. They can’t just, you know, do the right thing even when it doesn’t matter to them at all.


Why are you referring to the child’s father as potentially being a “jerk,” “asshole,” etc., simply because he wants to see his daughter, especially with the hellish work he had to do right now?


I don’t think that comparison is apt here at all.

If there is no proof her fund manager acted on information she gave them from confidential information she had, there is no proof of any wrongdoing. I haven’t seen any proof of that, just baseless accusations. Pair that with the fact many of the trades made during the time were horrible if you think a pandemic is coming(Dupont) and that none of them seem out of the ordinary $ amount wise for someone worth 500 million, and this looks like a huge nothing.

My biggest problem is people calling for head based on ridiculously misleading article headlines, instead of looking at some facts first.

All that being said, don’t let senators own and trade individual stocks while in office.