Hehehe, I’m telling you, these powerpoints and emails are gold.
Wondering how bad it’s going to be, especially considering they didn’t mention the guy and his gf who both work there and are waiting on the results of their tests. I guess they technically “don’t have it” yet.
Agree. These are matters of public record. And they can’t fake the stats. There would be too many whistleblowers. There is one thing that may happen that will not be talked about because as a society we can’t really bring ourselves to discuss it. But as doctors and hospitals are overwhelmed, patients who are lingering with little hope of survival, may be euthanized.
We haven’t seen anything saying this is an effective treatment yet have we? I am all for people trying stuff but was just curious if I missed information on this being proven effective.
We need point-of-care tests. Those kinds of tests are available for HIV and for many other diseases; you use a finger stick, drop the blood on a small device, and have a readout in 15 minutes. These tests measure antibody response to the virus and are extremely useful. Yet we don’t have a single test licensed in the U.S. In China, in South Korea, and in Europe, those tests are used. The manufacturer for this rapid test is producing a million a day. It’s there. But in the name of protecting the public, the FDA has moved very, very slowly. That delay, in my view, has caused more harm than good.
Our continued stance as world worst in testing is something that is directly at the feet of the White House and their mismanagement from day 1.
It is still sad to think back to first presser when pence said we would have millions of tests shortly. Before we can even get to a decent number of tests for sick people we now have to pivot to antibodies? We will just fail all over again.
One thing that’s become obvious to me is how to run the perfect Lex Luthor level scam when the next one of these things hits. It would take significant work but we would own like 98% of the world’s wealth and the means of production.
Basically we’d start a vaporware biotech company that only exists on paper. I mean maybe there’s an actual facility or whatever but it’s just a front with some equipment in it. SARS-CoV-3 hits and our research agency division starts seeding the fake news on social media that a small, unknown firm has found a cure but is trying to keep it under wraps. The global elite would be looking for spots to land choppers and gulfstreams on Google Maps next to our headquarters. Security team leads them in and clubs them with steel chairs one by one. They’re transported to the torture lab where we extract crucial financial account details before handing them over to the guillotine division.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: not every single person that shows up will be that fat ginger Koch heir dumbass with the dollar sign Hawaiian shirts. True. But the stragglers will be the same people who hoarded truckloads of masks and hand sanitizer which we will gladly seize before feeding them into wood chippers.
As I’ve been saying, this second wave of flu season is going to be horrific. Trump warned us it was flu, not coronavirus that was going to kill all these people. Stable genius was right again!
So you prefer not punishing the Wall Street tycoons who were playing roulette with credit default swaps on junk mortgages and lying about their quality? Cause that’s about all the punishment they got.