Yay. What about those who made over 75 last year but in the tank this year but not eligible for unemployment?
Glad I got that spiffy guillotine just in time. I suspect the Ds put in the 75k piece on top of whatever BS the Rs put in. Even more Marie Antoinette nominees.
It’s a free vr app but they wanted to expand their market so it works on flat screens as well.
I haven’t used it on a flat screen, but given they can interact with vr users I’m pretty sure it’s one of the best social event app out there (and free!)
It’s in the App Store even so download to your phone and give it a try. People have held weddings in it and they do concert viewings all the time, etc. It can do pretty much anything as far as online events go.
I saw Saturday night that New York State tweeted out an email address looking for suggestions on where to get masks. I wondered if a boating gear website I knew of had them, boaters use them for painting. I checked and there were between one and three dozen high end, reusable masks at the warehouse and their stores near me (nation wide chain). I sent them an email.
Today they sent me a stock email acknowledging receipt of my message. I checked the boat website and everything is gone, online and in store.
So Trump’s cult of personality is a death cult? I gotta admit I didn’t see that coming. I thought they’d naturally select their way out due to stupidity with the virus, not as a call to arms.
From his perspective, these were teachers who were saying, “Don’t worry about the virus, we need to get back to work and get this economy roaring!” Sure, he wasn’t even correct most of the time, and killing is an extreme line regardless, but it’s worth noting now considering trump is channeling his inner Mao and trying to do his own Great Leap Forward (In To The Mouth Of A Pandemic).
Like, how many people would the royal you killdivert a trolley towards lock in a bunker with some shiny toys for entertainment until the crisis passes, if it meant stopping the destruction coming. Trump would be in there with some cat toys, who else?
If it gets really bad Bezos can just pick up some shifts and fill the orders himself. Like John Henry and the railroads. That why he makes the big bux.
Have you ever done any kind of migrant labor/farm labor? $20/hr isn’t all that enticing when the trade off is that you will end ever day with your hands bleeding and/or stained with the stench of rotten produce.
The anarcho-capitalist response to a global pandemic would be enforcing social distancing by not having anyone to build roads to travel on for people to spread the virus.
$22.50 to start at my paper mill, all the overtime you want. The only skill required is show up to work, be able to read a tape measure and do basic arithmetic. We are shorthanded and can’t find enough people to fill the positions.