SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Per the covid tracker site linked a bit earlier today, WA’s testing is pretty respectable. I think it hitting a nursing home was pretty key: the people there may have been symptomatic earlier, and also they aren’t the type to spread it themselves. CA just went from like zero to shelter in place in the span of, what, 3 days? It was taken super seriously and on WA’s timeline. NY, I wonder if some of their first cases were younger people who spread it to other younger people who all got mild or asymptomatic cases.

WA is testing a fuckton. They were ahead of everyone else per capita several days ago and I think now only NY has passed them.

One thing that helped is that UW (in Seattle) independently developed a test early on, so there was actually a place in town that tests could be sent and processed quite early on.



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My ex partner just flew back from a poorly timed trip to South Africa (five weeks so she left before this kicked off). She became ill on the flight back to Australia (several people taken off the flight during stopover in Dubai due to illness) and just got tested. She’s 26 and runs marathons for fun and she says she has never felt worse. WAAF


I can’t tell whether this is serious?

Oklahoma governor has now ordered a shelter in place and closure of non-essential businesses, but only in counties that have a positive test. :man_shrugging:


Washington is still has a daily increase rate of ~10% the previous days total confirmed. That’s still an exponential function, just not as terrible as other places right now. If 10% per day is the best we can do the we are fucked. I imagine more rural states could do better, but they won’t because Trump says it’ll all be fine.

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Log base 39?

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Yeah, I was born in Northside.

Also, it’s not in Atlanta so it can have beds available while Atlanta itself is full. But the spillover will quickly come to that hospital area in Sandy Springs I’m sure.

It seems like the Trump admin’s goal is going to be to keep you full but not overrun for the next 18 months :(

They sure are. In unrelated news, Prime Pantry has shut down, Target Restock has shut down, Shipt has shut down, grocery store shelves are bare. Getting eggs and milk is really tough. Infants and childrens tylenol is sold out everywhere and has a two month backlog to order online. Toilet paper is almost impossible to get. Nobody has seen hand sanitizer in weeks. But yeah, the supply chains are totally fine guys.


The pandemic experts have been telling us what to expect this whole time and they’ve been pretty spot on since the beginning. Now the numbers in WA and a few other places look like they’re trending differently than the experts expect. Hopefully the experts are wrong, but I don’t think I’d bet on it.

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Looks like we pass Italy in case count tomorrow or Thursday, and China by the end of the week.

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The predictions were based on unmitigated spread. WA might be telling us what happens with as good a lockdown as USA#1 can stomach. I’m hoping there is a serious flaw in the models and this peaks way lower than expected.


Visualization tool with log and linear graphs of cases/deaths by country and U.S. states, and additional graphs normalized by population.

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I have to make a grocery run tomorrow and am going to the local Asian grocery counting on the racism to keep me safe. Might be a good idea for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of other good options.


I feel completely hopeless. Tens of thousands of people, at least, are about to die preventable deaths because we elected a 100/100 piece of shit human. Nothing matters, there is nothing we can do to stop it. Just accept an enormous fuck you to anyone interested in decency and common sense, with no way out.




I can’t wait til they come out with a serology antibody test. I assume hospital workers will get first shot at that. If I’m immune I’m going yolo all over our ICU. If I’m not I’m just going to take care of COPD patients on the floors.


Anyone know the best app to host a virtual social event? Ideally free.