I have a feeling I’ve seen at least one of my aunts and uncles for the last time. Since I won’t be able to visit them. Really hoping it’s not my Mom, Dad or sister.
If you were born into that generation you’d have behaved in much the same way because they thought that retiring early on final salary pensions, clearing mortgages early due to high inflation and buying second and third homes was the new norm and would last forever.
The only thing you might not have done like them was vote right wing after enjoying the fruits of liberalism.
I feel like it would really help to understand exactly how this thing is transmitted when you aren’t living with someone.
Like let’s asymptomatic Starbucks employee has it - they either breathe or touch and now it’s on the edge of your coffee cup. If you swallow the virus is that bad? I guess it can get stuck in your throat where it seems to live for a while before working its way to your lungs.
Also I don’t understand the touch your face thing thoroughly. Like does it crawl along your face and get into your mouth or nose? Or does it fall off your face and you breathe it in? Has anyone seen this decribed?
Gonna be a lot of disappointed Gen X / Millennials who appeased their asshole boomer parents in hopes of inheritance in the next 6 months. All those Edwards Jones portfolios aren’t gonna fare too well.
I can think through how a spot touched on my face other than my nose, mouth, or eyes would lead to the virus still reaching my nose, mouth, or eyes. But I think the general point is that if you’re touching your face, you’re probably touching your nose, mouth, or eyes.
FR, the bants around intergenerational stuff seem to be hardening into like, actual opinions and stuff. There wasn’t something in the water fifty years ago that made boomers selfish.
No ‘crawling’ — viruses can’t move independently. They are extremely small, however, and this one can seemingly partially aerosolise. If it’s anywhere on your fingers, you’re liable to inhale it just by breathing while touching your face.
No, but there was something called the Cold War and blaring, non-stop government propaganda that being a selfish asshole was the only way to defeat the Communist Menace.
Dr drew had a big corona virus YouTube video a couple days ago with Greg gutfeld and Scott Adams as guests. He is clearly a deplorable adjacent like Adam carols.
I wasn’t really listening much to the conversation (WORKING HARD! THANK YOU!), but on MSNBC just now, a former FEMA admin and some other guy were being interviewed about the government’s response to the pandemic. The other guy was dropping criticism bombs and the ex-FEMA guy said something like, “This is bullshit,” took off his mic, and left.
Here’s the thing though - we don’t even know how bad it can get in Italy. It hasn’t freaking peaked yet. But he’s sure US hospitals are ready. Fucking asshat.