Sapo plans a healthier March

Joined a vegetable CSA for the summer. Gonna be a shitton of vegetables. … this old house has a freezer in the basement. Might need to fire it up. … The CSA runs 23 weeks and I’m told will be more food than I can acually consume. We’ll see … may be a lot of work but seems like an opportunity to put away a lot of healthy food.

Ooh, exciting:

We will be distributing a free bag of green kale, red russian kale, and four carrots to members who have signed up already or sign up fr the Summer CSA at our event this Saturday, March 27th from 12-4pm. We will also have 2lb bags of carrots for sale for $4/ bag and our eggs for $5/ dozen. We will also have 8 lb bags of carrots and beets for sale for $15, but we need to limit the sale of roots to one bag of each root vegetable per share.

Hmmm …


Despite having been eating kale in mixed greens for like a month, I’m still not sure what it is or what it tastes like.

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That’s right.

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We had a CSA delivery program last summer and it was great.

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Did not fast yesterday, but ate pretty limited. I got hungry. At a banana, curried veggies, lentils, some bread. … I’d ballpark it at like 500-600 calories. This morning weighed 194.6 …

More fun and possibly useless/bullshit stats from this scale: it estimates my Basal Metabolic Rate, which Google says is “the amount of energy that is expended at rest in a neutral environment after the digestive system has been inactive for about 12 hours. It is the rate of one’s metabolism when waking in the morning after “fasting” during sleep.”

Ok, so mine is 1,819, it says … so very roughly, that means losing 1 pound a week would mean a caloric deficit of about 430 daily calories … losing 1 pound a week would mean eating ~1,400 calories a day. So … losing the 12 pounds in 24 days the scale has measured should … be just about impossible?

Anyway. My body feels better after three weeks of this. Trying not to have to buy a new wardrobe for the summer and really not wanting to face June-August with 30 extra pounds on me.


Oh yeah, no way I think I lost 12 pounds of fat.

I think your math is correct. There’s a reason why so many people struggle with weight loss - the most effective way to do it is to be in a moderate calorie deficit (not hard) every single day with no exceptions (getting harder) for several months to years (becoming impossible).

The reality is that for the typical person, if you feel like you are making a big sacrifice then you feel like you should experience immediate rewards for that. Losing body fat typically doesn’t work that way, and most people just aren’t wired psychologically to succeed in that kind of dynamic. The way that you are doing it is the right way - pick a sustainable healthy lifestyle and sustain it.


If you’d asked me to bet this morning, before getting on the scale, if I weighed more or less than the previous day, I’d have lost. … 195.2 after what felt like a very light day of eating and a nice hike. Oh, and check out this awesome slice of ciabatta …

Have previously imagined a restaurant that only served toast … for now, this single slice may just go on the weekend menu at Smooth Ray’s.

After 3.5 weeks, the weekly graph now looks pretty normal instead of that straight-down trajectory.


This morning, 194.2 …

This app seems to think my “normal” weight begins around 175. … that seems low to me. Maybe I’ll think and feel differently if I get closer to that point, but if I recall from a while back @ 175 I was feeling damn fit.

If I’m feeling fit I’m pretty much smack in the middle of the normal bmi range but people think I’m starving myself. The bmi Overton window has shifted right or something.

Oh feeling damn fit is awesome. … I’m just saying, and with all the caveats in the world, I just find it odd that the beginning range of “Normal” weight on this scale is 175 … and the last time I was 175, I didn’t feel like I was approaching some idea of “normal” but felt like I was in great shape. So something seems off.

@Devil Overton window shift makes sense, but also wouldn’t that reflect the opposite of what I’m saying? If you’re talking about a normalization of heavier humans, wouldn’t that push fit people into the “underweight” category?

I don’t mean to put too much emphasis on a random app’s weight labels. Just struck me as weird.

Yes. Maybe you are fit at 175 but you’d be super fit at 155?

Or maybe bmi is bs.

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Weight this morning, 192.2

Yesterday I picked up some greens and carrots from the CSA I joined. It was a pre-season event, winter greens giveaway kind of thing.

I love asking for advice and then ignoring it – a truly underrated feeling, usually right up until the point where things turn left … Everyone said a CSA share was too much food. … The amount I eat has shifted so dramatically in the last month and the irony (or whatever the right word is) kind of cracks me up …

When I started thinking about a CSA, because I wanted to eat healthier, I was consuming 2-3x the amount of food I am now. … Eating that much, it probably wasn’t too much food. Eating like I do now, it may be. … So fat me could eat a CSA share but would never order it, and healthier me wants the share but it may be too much … I think the answer is a 5-month project of freezing foods for the winter.

More oddities of losing some weight …

As my weight rises, I sometimes resist buying new clothes. I think it’s a kind of mental resistance to acknowledging the gain. And so there’s a kind of self-punishment that takes place. … then, as I start to lose the weight, I actually do buy clothes that fit. It’s like some stress has eased from my mind, I can accept now the weight gain and make myself more comfortable because on some level I no longer feel that guilt because of the healthier eating.

The house I bought last year came with an old chest freezer and last night I turned it on for the first time. Seems to work, froze a gallon of water, didn’t pull over much 100W. Of course, there’s always trouble …

Ugh. Ok, clean freezer. New project. … Anyway, this thing seems like key to being able to use the vegetable CSA efficiently.

Also baked some bread. Gotta get it in the freezer before I eat it all.

Had a nice night out Friday–several cocktails, and a late-night bean burrito. Saturday and Sunday I didn’t do much but ate very moderately.
Scale this morning, 192.


Yesterday I made a black bean and kale stew with the green kale and carrots from the greens giveaway, and …

Seems like a lot of food. Too much. I mean, I still have the other type of kale to eat, too … still just amazed at how little I’ve been eating recently. … That may pick up in summer, as the weather warms and it’s easier to be active or out working in the woods. … I’ve often said I don’t like going to the gym because if you’re just trying to burn excess calories it means something is out of whack and wouldn’t it be easier to just get back into balance … easier said than done, and I don’t say that to knock folks who love the gym…

Anyway, I mention it because I had this funny thought: I gotta start exercising more so I can eat all this food … basically, the exact opposite of the first thought, but the same … I could just not eat the food …

Anyway, 191 pounds this morning. … Feeling pretty good, and curious to see how much better it can get.


You might be able to freeze some leftovers, my experience has been that lots of stuff is surprisingly still good if you freeze it and fish it out of the freezer weeks or even months later.

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Yeah, all that soup is already in the freezer. That’s a key plan for this winter.

ETA: key plan for the summer. … well, into next winter. At the rate I’m consuming now, 23 weeks of veggies might really get me through the year.

Mmm banana… bread.

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Yesterday I ate too much. Mostly, the excess was that bread I made. And some other bread that I didn’t … Aside from the bread, there was a smoothie, another banana, a grapefruit, black bean and kale soup, and some curry. Scale this morning, 190.4

So, we’re arrived at the last day of March. Which is kind of nuts – a third of this year is already in the books? That seems wild. … 30 days of moderate eating. I never felt like I was starving myself, and didn’t stop myself frop doing anything I wanted. Primarily, that meant I still had drinks and dinner with people – and then when alone (most of the time), tended to focus more on eating sparsely.

I can definitely tell a difference in how I feel. And while I think the number is inflated by just how excessively I was eating in January and February, it’s fun to see -16.6 pounds on the monthly tally. Like an amazing poker run, of course that pace isn’t sustainable. So. Enjoy it now.

Planning to continue this. I need to mix in more exercise. That will be the key to the next stage. The summer CSA cooking should help keep this on course. Along with clothes I still want to fit back into.