Sandwich bracket interest thread!

…so isn’t Beef Wellington then a sandwich, too?

Also what about this:

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Since I’m allowing patty melt as the lone entry with a burger patty, I’ll allow one meat in tube form entry.

Make your best cases and I’ll put it to a vote.

No bickering though! Don’t make me regret this act of benevolent generosity.

Does a stromboli qualify as a sandwich?

Corndog obviously

In honor of Cousin Tim Walz, i submit the Runza (beirock).

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good lord that is not safe

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When comparing sandwiches will you be comparing the best version of each sandwich, or the average version of each sandwich? In the case of the above sandwich, the best versions are transcendent but the average is very meh. I’d rather have an average turkey sandwich than an average pastrami sandwich, but I would take an A+ pastrami over an A+ turkey any day.

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The best version of course. For each sandwich, think of the best one you ever had. That solves the problem of multiple variations as well. Just pick your all time best experience and rank accordingly.

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I’m nominating Sonora Dog for the meat-in-a-tube-off.

You’re letting hot pockets in, but not cheeseburgers? I’m going to abstain in protest

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I’ve never had a runza, but it looks close enough to a sandwich. Cheeseburgers are excluded because I don’t want my sandwich competition coming down to cheeseburger vs. hot dog. That’s just wrong for America.

Bierock is a yeast dough pastry pocket sandwich

Maybe open the burger entry to other versions and pick the most popular one…



No AI submissions, please

Sonora dogs are amazing. Best hot dog I ever had (Tucson).

This is a better version of the dog, but a worse lit picture. Actually, this pic is better in every way.

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Number 21