Sabo permaban confirmation


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How’s the community modding going over at the new Captains Table forum?

The mod who pressed the perm button already read the temp of the room and reversed the ban and documented it. Carry on I guess, but I’ll be ignoring any other bad faith nonsense and trolling related to this. And also, stop taking this stuff so seriously, I heard that’s crazy.

these gotcha moments from both ‘sides’ are way less impressive than you guys seem to think they are


Who thinks it’s impressive? It’s not, it’s funny. Easy targets though.

For the record, another reminder, that’s not my whole thing and I actually kind sorta don’t give a shit about it.

All the drama is rooted in you guys saying they are different. So, progress.

(that is my whole thing)

Plus, good people on both sides, I know, I know man.

How is it bad faith to report accurately the results of the poll? I am confused about your accurate point too. The ban was rescinded by the issuing mod. So where does that leave us? Has the parliamentarian made a ruling yet?

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Oh this is a real thing? I guess that explains why I thought it was so quiet in this sub.

Browser here and very rare poster.

If Unstuck wants to grow and turn browsers into regular posters I’m not sure exactly what needs to be done but it sure as hell ain’t (gestures vaguely at the above tree fiddy posts).

I realise this post in itself doesn’t help much by itself, but its going to have to be a discussion/debate at some point because this repetitive arguments over he said she said aren’t good long term for growth. The forum should be about what Biden/McConnell/Trump are doing or saying, and other various topics and not about the individual posters.


Trolly takes advantage of no one following along with all of this by posting dumb posts to insinuate things that aren’t true. This is part of the reason we have a constant rewriting of history and certain posters being villainized.


It’s odd you guys don’t see that the only reason sabo created his site was for exactly this confusion. The entire site is a troll to cause more chaos and dissent here.

The obvious outcome of the polls should be sabo is permabanned and the new subforum should be immediately opened. There is no good argument for more pointless bureaucracy. Both issues have been heavily debated and voters saw all sides.


What am I saying that’s not true? You guys wanted a forum where wookie isn’t in control, well now you’ve got one. Problem solved, time to stop bitching endlessly about wanting a second forum.


When I reminded Cassette that people who are unhappy here are free to leave, he took it as a personal directive that he should leave and became whiny and combative.


@ SweetSummerChild

Yeah I am confused by this request to override the will of the community.

Watery dune hair

Yeah, I did the same and it’s really nothing. I did notice that Sabo is claiming there’s yet another (“members only”) Captains Forum in addition to the one linked here. Maybe that’s where all the action is!

Also, I agree with those who say we should be consistent and follow the results of the polling and thus unban Fidget and perma Sabo.


Sabo is gone


So far we’ve only discussed some stock picks and bitched about our jobs.

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You retracted your claim that I treated Wookie like shit when I asked for a cite, so I’ll ask here again. Who have a treated like shit? The meanest thing I can remember writing in the PM thread was: “Wookie is a kind, thoughtful person who knows a lot of cool stuff. But wtf is his deal with being a mod forever?”

I have said as much in the open. I have been polite and respectful to him. He has trolled me and ignored me, locked my threads, banned my friends for things his friends go unbanned for. If anything, I feel he owes me an apology, not the other way around.

I dunno zara. I like you and respect your opinion. I think you are really not seeing this all for what it is. For instance you asked early on why we didn’t just ask nicely for the new sub. Many people did, including myself. There was a long heated discussion in FBBV (not sure if you saw that). I asked jmakin to open the sub and offered to help if it was going to be more work than clicking a few buttons. He instead told JT that he hopes to be able to see the sub fail and then he opened an RFC thread that was designed to get the process off on the wrong foot.

So I do think a lot of it comes down to people not liking the people organizing this thing. It isn’t about being called mean names in stolen private messages. Much worse is said on this forum every hour of every day.

I know we’re throttled here again for some unknown reason, so I’m happy to chat in PM in you like.


For the record there is no way to make a good argument cassette hasn’t been completely fair and debated all this in good faith.

People really need to stop painting everyone with broad brushes and view each based on their actual behaviour.

Now that the ban decisions are over it’s time to open the new subforum.

There is literally no reason not to. We just applied the same rules logic to the bans. They should apply to the subforum also.

As has been noted, if it doesn’t work out a simple vote to close it is all it will take to do so.