Rooting for Bubba Wallace & His Black Lives Matter #43 Car in NASCAR Race at Martinsville

They must have assigned the same crack team that investigated Kavanaugh

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“This was just one of our regular nooses. Not like a targeted noose or anything. Good luck Bubba!”



Yeah I have two big questions:

  1. Why the fuck was there a noose hanging in the garage as a garage door pull, anyway? Like there are a couple cars to each garage door, 40+ cars in a race, so you’re talking like 15-20 garage door pulls. One was a noose, why?

  2. Were garage assignments random? How do we know someone at Talladega didn’t know the noose was there and assign Wallace to that stall this week?


A couple of years ago I was standing around on a jobsite with a couple of good ol boys waiting for our permit to start work. One of them picked up a piece of rope, tied it into a noose, and showed all of the white guys with a smirk on his face. Then he untied the rope and a second guy picked it up, tried to tie a noose, and failed, which lead to the first guy teaching the second guy how to do it.

What I’m trying to say is that everyone involved is way more racist that most of us could ever imagine, and most of them wouldn’t think twice about seeing a noose hanging somewhere.

IIRC garage assignments are said to be random, but who knows what that means in practice. I doubt they are doing an NBA draft ping pong ball style thing or random number generator. Maybe they draw straws or pick numbers out of a MAGA hat?

The bigots on my Facebook feed are very pleased with the results of this investigation :smirk:


Racist twitter is about as expected

I was like kinda sorta not 100% serious with this comment because I guess I was imagining something less despicable, but holy shit:

Seriously? That’s considered OK even if it’s not specifically hanging on a black man’s garage?

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I mean I’m glad he wasnt specifically targeted but how was that left in place for apparantly well over a year? (Yes, that is a rhetorical question.)

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I’m glad they released a photo. Bubba was taking some heat for having reported it, even though his crew first saw it. This should at least get some people to admit it was worth reporting.

Yeah that’s nuts. Even NASCAR people should be hey that’s a little on the nose.

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I assume this is a Parscale deal, but Patriots of America had all of $300 cash on hand as of the 1st quarter 2020.

In any event, this is a small one car team that is probably an underdog to get a single top ten in any of the next 9 races.

NASCAR has had sponsorship problems for a few years, wouldn’t be surprised if there is just a token sponsorship fee.

so of course the trump 2020 car is a victim of the first incident of the day, on pit road of all places.

thats a shame.gif

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You hate to see it.

Ecclestone deserved a mention in the asshole draft. Absolute garbage human, no surprise at all that he went there.


T’s Car wrecked in the pit lane no less… :sweat_smile: