RIP #MeToo 2006 - 2020

Politico May 2020 Reade
This was the article that led me to believe the Reade accusation was false.

It never ceases to amaze me why some find it so hard to believe that a woman may choose not to come forward publicly about being sexual abused or harassed. I mean, it doesn’t even take much imagination or thought

It’s also amazing how many men are terrified under the guise of being falsely accused. I remember when Patrick Kane was falsely accused and guess what? It didn’t take long before the truth came out that he was falsely accused! Methinks a lot of these men are terrified of something else

Me too can have both Cuomos

That and the bit about how she pretended to have a college qualification she didn’t in fact have and testified as an expert witness in courts of law on that basis.

I honestly didn’t realise there were still Reade believers out there, I thought it was fairly settled that she had a fractious relationship with the truth. The other thing about it is that these cases are virtually never isolated, other accusers generally come forward after the first one (think Weinstein, Cosby, Louis CK etc etc) but in the Biden case there were no other accusers and a lot of vehement defenders.

Again, even if this were true it speaks to her PR experience and the link with Time’s Up refusing the case is just nonexistent. I’m reminded of the observation on Chapo a few weeks back that if the QAnon movement want to denounce someone they can always find reason to do it, because virtually everyone who is anyone at some point attended a party that Jeffrey Epstein or Kevin Spacey or someone were also at.

Hello, projection.

People are prepared to believe her if it allows them to dunk on Biden.

Do you think there is anything weird about the way Biden touches women in public with the camera on

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There are literally zero people in the national public sphere that have been caught on camera touching women strangely more times than Joe Biden. This matters zero to liberal r*pe apologists

I think we have been through this before, but you don’t understand what projection is, do you?

The cons spent a lot more time accusing libs of being socialist than accusing libs of being PC.

All it takes is one look at this thread, as a matter of fact.


I see what you’re saying, but famous cases are important if only because they not only show how prevalent these cases are, but also the fact that seemingly powerful women find themselves in similar predicaments.

Men, and society in general, has a way of making sexual harassment the woman’s fault. She doesn’t have to dress like that. She doesn’t have to be so friendly, or smile so much, etc. It’s not hard to imagine why even victims of sexual harassment (such as the fry cooks, receptionists, waitresses, and others) start believing that maybe it was their fault or that they should’ve acted differently somehow

When someone like Megyn Kelley comes out it enlightens not only other women, but ignorant males like myself who never would’ve dreamed such a strong, no nonsense person like her would ever be a victim. I don’t agree with her politically, but she is after all, every bit as talented as any of her male colleagues. Yet, what she had to go through to get to the top was a very different experience than any of them had. It’s a good thing that the world knows this

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come on man

Can you cite this, because as far as I remember this is wholly untrue.

For example from Wiki:

Prior to accusing Biden of sexual assault in 2020, Reade made various other comments that cast her encounters with Biden in a different light. Reade says that in 1993, she filed a complaint against Biden with a Senate human resources office in which she alleged that Biden had made Reade feel uncomfortable through comments she deemed demeaning, allegedly including a compliment about her looks and a request for Reade to serve drinks at a Senate event. However, Reade said that in her complaint she did not specifically accuse Biden of any kind of sexual misconduct and made no mention of the alleged assault.[5] A few years before she accused Biden of sexual assault, Reade repeatedly praised Biden on her personal Twitter account, retweeting or otherwise endorsing comments which characterized Biden as a leader in combating sexual violence.[6]

This question is the problem. You treat these things like picking sports teams. Neither you or Chris have any idea if the allegations are true. You desperately want them to be true because you hate Biden so much. You don’t care one bit about Reade. It’s just about your team scoring points.

The only things we actually know as fact are Biden has some odd behaviours when it comes to women and personal space and Reade has a bit of a spotty personal history. In other words, both are imperfect humans, like everyone.

This is why cases involving famous people are so bad for the cause because they are never about the case, and less so about the victim. They are only about the sport.

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If I was betting money I’d bet on Reade telling the truth but as I said I have no real idea. Neither do you. Again, that’s not the point of this debate. You don’t care at all about Reade. You care about hating Biden and saying LIBERALS! at the top of your lungs every chance you get. It’s pure sport.

While I appreciate the idea that these cases involving famous people shed light on the cause and may give some women the strength to report I’m not convinced they are not a net negative. Of course, this is a terrible position for the women who are abused by famous men and it ends up giving the men more leverage.

My instinct is to strongly refrain from speculation on any case involving sport where I am likely biased. If we all did this it would be far easier for the women who are reporting.

That is what metoo means.




It’s surprising that the Right Wing never weaponized this. A credible accusation seems like would’ve been able to cover the 40K vote margin that decided this election.