RIP #MeToo 2006 - 2020

If someone is in the position to be ‘me-too’d’ then they have at minimum treated the victim very poorly. I will give the overwhelming benefit of the doubt to any victim, especially if female. And I would assume bias as it encourages more victims to come forward if there is a supportive atmosphere for them to do so. Instead we have 19234081298 instances of ‘we have to give the victim and accuser a fair shake’ which is complete unadulterated bullshit. I couldn’t care less if the false accusations go up 100% (from some tiny tiny tiny amount to double that tiny tiny tiny amount) because the accurate ones go up ten-fold.


It’s the double standard that is offensive. If the allegations against Kavanaugh were exactly what are against Biden, do you think people around here would give him the benefit of the doubt? Come on man.


I would hope not. I should have said that in my post. Give both sides a fair shake was referring to victim and accuser not Dem v Rep

Agreed the false accusation angle isn’t really relevant giving how uncommon they are.

To be clear, my point above is not about giving both sides “the benefit of the doubt”. It’s about turning down the volume on these famous cases which will ultimately make is far easier for women to report. So much of the noise comes purely from the desire to score points for your team.

When you read about the Weinstein case, for example, the fear among the women was mostly about being chewed up in the media machine. By the time most of them spoke to Ronan Farrow there was no longer a threat to their careers.

Kav’s accuser:

  • Didn’t tell anyone about it at the time, has no corroborating witnesses
  • Couldn’t remember when
  • Couldn’t remember where
  • Couldn’t remember who else was there
  • Is a doctor and a conventionally attractive woman
  • Is accusing a Republican

Biden’s accuser:

  • Told multiple people about it at the time
  • Told more people about it since then
  • Remembers when and where
  • Filed a formal complaint for related, non physical behavior at the time it happened
  • Is a poor person who lied about her credentials to make money, and not conventionally attractive
  • Is accusing a Democrat

The last two points on those lists are the only things that matter to Dems. Ever.

To be clear, of course I believe Ford and my list wasn’t meant to attack her.


Like, Tara couldn’t even participate in the “list your graduate degrees in your twitter profile” challenge. How the fuck am I supposed to take this woman seriously.


Weird how Tara perjuring herself multiple times didn’t make your list.


It did make his list.

Everyone hearting this being among the “centrists” on UP proves my point as much as cat and victaor pretending to care about Reade.

It’s just points scoring for ones team and not about helping women or getting to the truth.

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Was there ever any followup on the Cuomo news, or did we all just stop caring about that for some reason?

It’s on the list. It’s one of the bullet points that I said Dems actually care about!


Yeah totally - one side is saying “yes I believe both women and think they should be taken seriously” and the other side is saying “I believe only the woman who accused a Republican”. Both sides exactly the same.

FWIW I thought Franken needed to resign or be booted too, and besides Bernie he was possibly the most progressive Senator. I believed the conservative woman who accused him of milder abusive behavior than what either of these women describe.


lol, buried it under “was a poor person.” What an utterly dishonest post.

Buried? The entire list was 53 words long! It’s not his fault you didn’t actually read it.


This ain’t it, chief.

Dishonest would be painting the entire forum under the brush of not caring about Cuomo. Dishonest is ignoring the fact that Biden has been recorded creeping on women more than any other person in politics

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What’s the evidence she told multiple people at the time it happened?

A friend said that Ms. Reade told her the details of the allegation at the time. Another friend and a brother of Ms. Reade’s said she told them over the years about a traumatic sexual incident involving Mr. Biden.

A former neighbor of Tara Reade, a woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, has come forward to say that Reade told her about the alleged assault in the mid-1990s. The account, purportedly told to the neighbor within a few years of the alleged incident, marks the first detailed and on-the-record corroboration of Reade’s allegation against the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

The neighbor was a few years later, I guess, but 20+ years before she went public with the claim.

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