RIP #MeToo 2006 - 2020

Please try to at least act a little more respectful to other posters. The last two words there don’t even add anything to the post.


#metoo been dead for awhile now

I mean I believe Reade and still voted for the guy because the alternative was worse. It’s a sick spot to be in.

Literally every single persons opinion about this is unwarranted, other than the accuser, Cuomo, and the people involved in the investigation.

Like, everyone here (including you and Clovis) thinks this woman should get a full and fair investigation. Other than that, unless further details come out, what is there to even have an opinion about?


again I obviously didn’t make the claim you are saying I did. My mistake engaging you. I won’t do it again. Back to ignoring you.

The point is all the people proclaiming anything on Twitter right now care about scoring points, not metoo.

This just isn’t true. It’s making huge inroads all over the world.

You must be so much more intellectually virtuous than me, what with literally not having an opinion and all :smiley: I can only bow in awe.

I don’t even know what claim you’re talking about (and I would bet against your being able to articulate that claim to the satisfaction of a neutral observer) but on the sole grounds that you’re denying having said it, I’m inclined to think you totally did say it, whatever it is. Just playing the odds.

I hope that’s true. To me the decision to roll will Biden was the death knell.

Yeah the odds are if someone is accused it’s more likely true than not since false accusations are rare by women.


The problem with focusing so much on metoo cases where famous people are involved is it is easy to forget 99.9% of cases are not famous people. It’s the fry cook, receptionist, waitress etc. This is where progress is being made.

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Exactly. This is the point I was making about everyone’s desire to jump on the internet and proclaim their fielty to one side. The chosen side always perfectly correlates to ones politics. This is incredibly damaging to the movement by reinforcing the idea that sexual assault is a political act.

As I said earlier 99.9% of cases have no political angle. In those cases no argument can be made that the victim has anything to gain. This is why the obsession with famous cases is so harmful.

You got me, I’m sure it’s all just a happy coincidence. Joe Biden genuinely is a decent and empathetic man who has my best interests at heart, too.

This is pretty much accurate, even to the point of naivety on his part.

He’s not going to fuck you man, jesus

Your punctuation is atrocious.

This is just dropping any effort to defend the specific claim and pretending that I’m arguing that Biden in general is a pure soul incapable of quid pro quo, which of course you know full well I’m not.

I’ll never understand why deploying this sort of rhetorical smokescreen, basically pretending to be stupid, is preferable to just posting like “yeah I guess that didn’t really make sense”. You should try it sometime. It’s nowhere near as emasculating as you fear.


Legit have no idea wtf is going on ITT.


Wut? She’s one of the worst pay-to-play swamp creature lobbyist shitlibs that’s ever lived. Like pretty much all of this power player positioning is quid pro quo. Doesn’t even have to be lizard-people-from-another-dimension conspiracy because it’s generally understood to be “how shit works” here.

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Come on man. The fact that Anita Dunn is a swamp creature does not mean that Tara Reade had anything to do with her hiring. The fact that I’m arguing it didn’t doesn’t mean I’m arguing that she is not a swamp creature. I don’t know why people struggle with this.

It doesn’t particularly matter in this instance and maybe I’m being petty but this “here are some weird and vaguely suggestive facts, therefore my conclusion is that this reinforces my existing worldview” is a style of argument that annoys me and is particularly insidious and responsible for the current state of the world imo. This one was particularly glaring to me since I think it’s pretty clear Reade was full of shit.

I think you are wrong about this but don’t really have time to pull up my source info on Anita Dunn to lay out in a dissertation post. At a minimum she’s advised Biden on how to spin the sexual assault allegations, and I suspect she was initially brought on for that purpose before the campaign launched.