RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Anything

I wasn’t just comparing establishment Dem to establishment GOP. You guys ran with that not me. I’m comparing establishment Dem to everything else.

Like why would I even gaf about either one? I don’t watch either, and as far as I know neither are currently on television. But yeah you must hate these guys, one of whom (Dave Sachs?) I’ve never heard of, more than people who actualy make policy and do politics. Sure.

It’s all just thinly veiled blue no matter who bullshit.


I’m sure you’ve heard of him but ok bro

Fuck you

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This guy?

Why in the fuck would you think I know who this is?

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I guess I kinda understand the establishment/outsider distinction people are trying to make… However, if Donald Trump, a rich Manhattan real estate developer who has been hanging out with powerful politicians and media figures for decades, has been the freaking President of the United States and is the current frontrunner to get a major party nomination again doesn’t meet your working definition of establishment, you really should be putting some scare quotes around that -ish




Yeah but then you are basically just making Keeds point for him.

I’ll use this opportunity to say that you’ve become a much worse poster since you joined the captains. You used to be able to take heat from all comers and keep responding on topic relentlessly for days and days, and I always respected that. Now whenever you face the slightest bit of resistance you get sensitive and start dropping f bombs. Sad.

For one thing he’s been cited a bunch of times in the Ukraine thread

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I have to assume that there was a disconnect somewhere between the original thought and how it got typed out.

The entire establishment distinction is meaningless.

It’s just a buzz word dumb people use to express disdain for institutions that haven’t rewarded them enough.


You’d think so. But no.

Slightest bit or resistance? You called me a liar.

Maybe, what do you mean?

Is that what I said? It is not. You’re just making shit up.

Lol, this is amazing


Yeah it is. I said I never heard of that Sachs guy, you said

You called me a liar, well, eat shit asshole.


I haven’t heard or seen of Dems giving half a fuck about RFK Jr. Like, at all. Anyone.

The entirety of his traction that I’ve been exposed to has come from right, alt right, and right adjacent dipshits who are platforming him for what I’m sure are entirely altruistic reasons based on a spirit of brotherhood and good competition.


There’s other explanations aside from you lying dumbass