RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Anything

This could be true, I don’t know anything about RFK. I just know he is running as a dem.

Gave me ron Paul vibes but that could be because of his voice.

That’s what you meant. So fuck you.

Oh senor keed was a much better poster when he put up with being insulted every other post. Yeah I’m sure you thought so because that’s what you do.


It’s not you moron. If I wanted to call you a liar I would have. It’s probably more likely that you just didn’t know the guy you fawned over his Ukraine takes is also the same guy who wrote in the 90s about how horrible diversity and affirmative action is.

Like most captains, you dish out a lot more insults than you receive.

He can say he’s running as a Dem I guess but the entirety of his exposure IME has been vague anti-vax stuff and being backed by rich Republicans. Doesn’t seem very Democratic.

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I never fawned over this guys Ukraine takes, what the fuck are you talking about? Lying and making shit up.

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Maybe I am spot on with my Ron Paul comp then.

Why are people comparing RFK Jr to Ron Paul and not Lyndon LaRouche?

Because he is an older politician who is anti vax and the establishment isn’t a fan of him.

Saying “fuck you” when you call me a liar isn’t insulting you.

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It gets weirder with the fringe conspiracy and conspiracy-adjacent guys. If you believe the world is controlled by an upper echelon of secret lizard people or whatever then you can imagine even JFK was just a pawn of the Deep State and RFK Jr. is like a scrappy Mulder figure trying to find the truth. It’s just like the Qanon guys who thought President Trump spent his presidency trying to stop Soros’ pedophile

Correct, staying stoic and on point especially on the internet in the face of attacks is a unique, valuable skill. Telling someone to fuck off in response to the idea that a person who follows politics would be aware of a guy who’s been all over the news the past year as both Elon Musk’s right-hand man and one of the biggest pro-Russia advocates out there, is boring af.

Keed has been telling people to fuck off for a long time.

I don’t know if it’s ever been when someone disagreed with him.

Usually I see it when people assign views to him that he doesn’t believe or says he is lying about something.


I think he’s mostly a Third Way Candidate, which is to say he has no actual backing other than rich navel gazers.

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Do I ever talk about Elon Musk? Like ever? You guys are obsessed with him but I’ve never been interested in him in the least. The idea I’m supposed to know who his right hand man is is absurd. Like I know some lady runs space X, am I supposed to know her name and recognize it? If his takes got posted in the Ukraine thread I may have read them but internalizing the guy’s name and identity takes a lot more than that.

You were being rude at the very least, and it’s reasonable to think that you were saying I was lying. Don’t head for the fainting couch when you get pushback. Oh, old keed would have just ignored it. Well, maybe I shouldn’t have and maybe you shouldn’t be a dismissive jerk. Or keep it up, I don’t care. Keep the fainting couch handy though.

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Gwinneth something? I think that’s it actually.

Paltrow, right?

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It’s like if I was talking to a guy who I knew was a basketball fan and he said he’s never heard of Donovan Mitchell and I was like ‘lol I’m sure you’ve heard of him’ and he responded ‘Oh are you calling me a liar, fuck you’…

Then one of us would be laying on the fainting couch but it wouldn’t be me. This btw is after you accusing me multiple times of making shit up, which guess what, is more of an accusation of lying than what I said.