RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Anything

You like it when he takes the centrist GOP side or the far-right side or the VC class side over the Biden side or even over the AOC side. That says something about you as well.

That’s correct because he blocked me :rofl:

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Do I? You have any examples of this? Like not examples of me saying “I LIKE THIS” but when is he doing this exactly? I certainly don’t reflexively disagree with all Republicans on everything and might share some positions, I don’t know.

And of course I don’t see a whole lot of daylight between AOC and Mama Bear Pelosi on issues these days, that’s the whole fucking point. That’s why Greenwald is so contemptuous of the whole bunch.

It’s it

I don’t even need to give examples (why would it be necessary anyway, he obviously has hundreds of tweets just defending Trump) when you emphasized the point yourself in your post:

AOC is centrist Dem who is part of the group that you reflexively hate with contempt. Whereas Republicans are people who you may or may not disagree with depending on the issue and deserve a more nuanced consideration.

Doesn’t get more clearer than that.

What the fuck are you talking about, I agree with AOC and establishment Democrats about some things too.

You won’t provide any examples of what you’re talking about because you’re just making shit up.

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AOC is an establishment hack. We need political outsiders speaking truth to power like [checks notes] RFK?


But you just admitted that you reflexively hate them in a way that you don’t reflexively hate the GOP.

I uh…literally provided an example as the start of this topic. I’m not going to do a bunch of work for you on this because I already know how it ends, but you can likely take a random tweet of Glenn’s over the past 5 years and it will apply.

If anyone knows about working on the fringes, it’s a Kennedy married to a famous Hollywood actress.

Is that what I said? It is not. Like I said, you’re just making shit up.

Like do you think I don’t hate Lindsey Graham and George Bush and Dick Cheney and Mitch McConnell? What the fuck are you talking about guy?

I mean the fact that you’re bringing up people from 20 years ago to find republicans that you hate is notable. How you feel about Trump, David Sachs, or Tucker Carlson is the interesting question. Maybe you hate them as much as BIden, but certainly doesn’t come off like that in your posts.

We were talking about the Democrat establishment. I named some guys from the current and past Republican establishment. I definitely hate Donald Trump less than either the Democrat and Republican establishment, because the horribleness of both the party establishments is what caused Trump. He’s a symptom of the political rot of both parties.

I don’t even know who David Sachs is. Tucker was pretty funny skewering the Republican establishment presidential candidates last weekend, I’ll give him that. I’m sure Greenwald agrees.

Are these even establishment republicans?

Like, what do you think of Listen Liberal or What’s the Matter with Kansas? Familiar with either one of those books?

When I think establishment Mitch McConnell and Lindsey graham are probably the biggest two names that come to mind

RFK is not the answer and basically Ron Paul for dems but that doesn’t mean you can’t criticize AOC for getting cozy with the establishment.

Some might even think it’s a smart political move on her part. Probably does increase her chance of being a future president. And an establishment AOC is probably better than any alternative

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Idk but Sacks and Tucker have been nationally promoting conservative politics for literally 30 years so you tell me.

The point isn’t whether or not they are “establishment.” The point is that if you hate AOC more than any of them it’s a huge :triangular_flag_on_post:

If you asked 100 people who this sacks guy is how many would even know?

5% maybe? I would take the under at 10%

If you hate Maddow as much as tucker would be a better comparison.

A bit of both now. Glenn’s known to go off on randos who say something about him so giving Glenn random names is both protection and a joke.

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