RFK Jr Should Not Be Taken As a Serious Anything

It’s going to suck when I’m forced to vote for this guy

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We all know rich politicians have no standards and will associate with anyone regardless of ethics or morals.



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But he proabably saved thousands from getting autism.


RFK Jr is planning on creating some presidential debate fan fiction. Let’s hope it’s not in the slash subgenre.


I just heard the full bear story. Has anyone asked RFK how he saw the woman in front of him kill a bear cub, but there was no mama bear around to worry about when he picked up the cub?


Free article. https://wapo.st/3WMqfMX

This ends with… I tried to play nice with them, but now I have no choice but to endorse Trump.


Trump endorsement in 3…2…1…

One of my big fears with the state polls that have Harris at +2ish but RFK polling at 5-6%, is that a huge chunk of that 5-6% are people that are just annoyed that Trump is such a dipshit but are never not voting GOP in the end.

So rather than be all surprised Pikachu on election night, I’d almost rather this happens now, just so we know where the hell we stand.

Kennedys were famous “champions of voting rights and fair elections” - learn something new every day


I’m concerned about this too. When Biden was still in I thought RFK was just a convenient way for folks who hated both sides to register displeasure, so Kamala should theoretically be able to peel of some of those folks simply by not being Biden. But, if those people haven’t moved yet, and if RFK is going to go at her harder than he goes at Trump, I think Trump will end up winning a disproportionate % of the people eho are saying RFK now but ultimately vote for someone else.

I think RFK voters are so low-info and/or weird that it might might not matter that much if he drops out as long as he’s still on the ballot

Also I have my doubts they vote in any kind of numbers.

Trump is still shipping this. I’m in full acceptance so there will be no surprised pikachu for me.

Very much this. The hopium train derailed and spilled and we’ve all been huffing hard. But daddy is still coming home. We have been very bad and he is ready to punish us.


The mask is officially off now.

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“Human Health Services”

Not to be confused with other health services, like for bears or something