RFC: Removal/Ban of gimmick accounts used to circumvent bans (UPDATED OP!!!)

Seems like a solution in search of a problem. Like, my god, someone saw a 6ix post? Takes two seconds to mute the new account.

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Yeah, that’s another issue. No one can seek to evade my mute/ignore list because no one knows who is on it. Because I don’t announce I’m ignoring someone, which is toxic behavior that should be discouraged. Let alone the even more toxic behavior of cajoling others to ignore a poster.


I just think the onus should be on the self-banner to get their account un-banned.

(Or just not self-ban in the first place)


I vote we just eliminate self-bans. They are stupid and pointless. But if we’re going to have them, they should be an actual ban or what is the point. If someone changes there mind, let them PM a mod and get their original account back - it’s a pretty minimal burden to do so.


This is the common ground. The pro and con arguments to banning gimmicks of temp-banned posters are basically:

“Temp bans are stupid, but they are bans so we should treat them that way.”


“Temp bans are stupid, so we shouldn’t treat them like real bans.”

The point is, they’re stupid.


Can’t PM if you’re banned so either way your solution involves registering a second account. Churchill requested a silencing instead of a ban and still went and created a gimmick to post 3 days later so… :man_shrugging:

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Right, but why? It’s a pretty minimal burden to just let the gimmick read and post. It’s a non-issue either way, why do we need to make a dumb rule about this dumb thing?

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We all should be honest with ourselves and recognise there’s often a compulsion to post here especially when feelings are running high, and that presents many people with problems they can do without in their lives, and that self-bans help them deal with that.

One of the worst types of post you see here is the “Why don’t you just log off and go and do xyz instead?”, assuming some kind of emotional superiority, when it’s unrealistic to expect someone in the middle of a heated argument to do that.

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This is a terrible analogy. Also can you name a single online forum without bans?

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Yeah. If bans are being used solely to make the forum better then quite evidently that policy is a catastrophic failure because bans have increased and people are no less angry.


Are we even talking about me here?


Probably not, probably was talking about Churchill now that I think about it.

Or Johnny? He selfbanned recently.

Regardless, it’s totally super sweet and sick that people can’t even be forthright enough to specify who they’re talking about.

Well yeah, and that’s what is so confusing to Team Ban when I/we/they talk about posters who should be banned: it’s not advocating bans, it’s pointing out that almost everybody would be banned if the “rules” were adhered to.

Also, how do you feel about these “rules” being alluded to when you did much to try to codify some rules and it didn’t take?


seems relevant:


There was a thread where we could ask how many people had us on ignore, and for me it was like 4 if I remember.

I mean, can talk about how everybody loved me until like two weeks ago? And how they’ve essentially invented whole-cloth how I’ve been insulting and abusive and broke all The Rules, when in reality it’s just because I came out on the wrong side?

The answer is, obv, no, we can’t talk about it. But it doesn’t hurt to ask!


Serious request, could you please just get the subforum up and running so that you can prove your approach is better?


This doesn’t seem particularly helpful. I’m not saying you should be banned, but you probably should be.


The amount of condescension and snark that you consistently post with doesn’t help matters in the least.


It is objectively very helpful to prod JT to proceed with a solution that he requested and the community agreed to.

Will not say you should be banned because there is only love and positivity coming from me, brother.

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