RFC: Removal/Ban of gimmick accounts used to circumvent bans (UPDATED OP!!!)

6ix: {makes thoughtful and engaging and fairly diplomatic post containing the following words} …No point in shitting on MrWookie with more constructive criticism over a questionable decision, instead just do a subforum that actually fosters a culture of respect…

Clapping Seal Team Six: You are correct, sir, allow us to demonstrate such in the most hilarious fashion possible.

I mean, just mashing their flippers on that heart button with zero pause.


nah dawg i reed reel gud

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This is hilarious man. It would be impossible to be a worse spokesperson for what you claim to want than what you have been.

Like I don’t even disagree on all of it and never have but you have been such a grating voice in all this and insulted me and everyone else so frequently that by now you have made a complete believer in me that this is all a trashfire orchestrated by terminal malcontents.



What do I claim to want?


I’ve said that people are being stubborn and obtuse by intentionally misreading the actual words I, and others, type (“pretending to be illiterate” is an artistic way of saying this, and I only said it to AOFrantic because his case was egregious like whoa) and considering you’re either A, doing it again right now or B, legit can’t understand the difference, maybe you’re actually a super poor judge of the content of my posts and how insulting they’ve been? Maybe?

It’s fine, just tag somebody else in, slap that flipper, there’s apparently enough of you.

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Your big top ropes slam was quoting a post saying people need longer temp bans if they circumvent the original temp ban with gimmicks. In response to a post about there being very few perma-bans.

I’m probably just too stupid to get it I guess but to me you seem more like the people whining about cancel culture while running amok on every platform available than some mistreated and misunderstood class.

Again I’m probably just not smart enough to see it and as such this is pointless and tiring for my pea brain so I’ll leave it there for you to break down in whatever way you see fit.

Oh snap, I was just writing this postscript when your reply popped up.


You should’ve inferred that I was making another rejection of your arbitrary distinction that only-permaban=ban-obsessed. Then went on to process the rest.

God in heaven you really need it spelled out huh?

Drchesspain assumed I was circumventing a temp ban and wanted to punish me. The next 19 of your murderer’s row all thought the same thing. Not a one of you once even considered that your knee-jerk response was incorrect.

Here’s where it gets better: that response was to a post saying that people should actually try to foster a culture of respect, that is, not fake civility or cloying kindness but actual respectful engaging; any of you could’ve been as abrasive and insulting as you wanted as long as it was accompanied by having the respect for me and for yourself to engage with my actual words and the ideas I was presenting. Or, just not say or do anything and cool down that itchy trigger-finger for that heart button. Those were your two big choices, but you all chose differently. And this dissembling you’re doing now is the result of trying to deal with that choice.

I’m sorry this whole affair made many of you realize deep down you’re not actually the type of people you thought you were, but that’s not really my fucking problem.


Yah I’m pretty sure exactly zero participants in any of the dramabomb threads here have had any deep personal epiphanies whilst playing forum slapball.

Well, I have. And I was trying to be charitable. But, eh, you know.


Also, yes, again, we know: Many of you don’t find any of this interesting because you don’t think it’s an accurate microcosm of anything and you don’t see any of the subtext and even some of the main text. Duly noted, again! You haven’t been left off the list, don’t worry. A cigar is always just a cigar and Freud would’ve never shared any of his cocaine with you because you’re dreadfully boring. Awesome! But for the nth time, yes, we knoooowww, thanks for sharing.


I think I’ve missed something 50k posts ago and I’m not trying to take sides but just so I understand, why do you have a new account?

I think he made a new account when his old account was temp banned.


Likely, but he didn’t start posting on it until his old account’s ban ended.

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I ascended to my final form.


Are you sure that you didn’t just evolve and you have one final form?

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Circumventing perma-ban: Perma-ban gimmick. IP ban the location.

Circumventing temp-ban: Perma-ban gimmick. Extend length of temp-ban.

Circumventing self-ban: Perma-ban gimmick. Un-ban original. Do not allow future self-bannings if this is abused.


Why? Who cares?

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Do you want border security or not?


look I just want us to enforce the laws we already have on the books, we don’t need these additional forum laws.

To prevent people from (intentionally or unintentionally) evading other the mute list of other posters.

I could modify that to “Temp-ban gimmick. Un-ban original” and be okay with it.

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