RFC: Removal/Ban of gimmick accounts used to circumvent bans (UPDATED OP!!!)

What’s the post you think best epitomizes me displaying condescension and snark?

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Oh, ok, touche.

Damn, gotta go ahead and retract that touche.


Don’t believe I ever expressed an opinion about “changing your mind about a self-ban” yet you feel the need/right to call me out on that and put me into the “out group” on the issue for some reason? Doctor, heal thyself.

Will step out of this thread now, hope you get whatever it is you seeking out of it.

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Jesus Christ. I’ve never met someone who is their own enemy more than 6ix.

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Then just stop all self bans if they are meaningless and who cares. If they are pointless nobody should be wasting time enforcing and managing them.

If they are not worthless and meaningless they should be enacted for their full duration.

It’s not a toy for people to jerk off with at their discretion.

If someone asks for a self ban it means they lack the willpower and self control to do it themselves. So they should be fully enforced or not allowed.

Circumvention of all bans should be treated the same. How is this not a reasonable request of someone requesting a self ban. We don’t have to act like everyone is ten years old. We can have policies that expect more mature behavior.

Justify having self bans that are meaningless with something more than “who cares” as with community moderation it potentially impacts everyone on the site in multiple ways.

Why can’t people accept the consequences for their choices?


Why can’t they just follow the rules of asking for a self ban.

Why should the onus be on everyone else instead of the person who requested the self ban.

There is no justification for all this special coddling of people asking for a self ban.

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This is a horrible take. People should not be making Alts to avoid any bans. It should result in an incremental punishment.

I get why you are favoring the selfish trolling behavior this allows but it is the exact opposite of good policy for this forum.

What onus?

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They are mostly stupid and pointless.

There is one very narrow case to be made for them but in that case circumvention should never be allowed as it’s counterproductive.

I have participated in hundreds and hundreds of forums in my life. Self bans are not a thing in the world outside of degen poker forums.

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There are no rules about self-requested bans!


Unhelpful, inaccurate and rude.

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Expound plz.

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Man, look at all those words Marksman typed. He probably has a passionate opinion about this and wants to share it. I should probably go and try to make him feel like a stupid piece of shit for having a passionate opinion about something and wanting to share it. That’d be fucking rad.

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Marksman, are you a bot? I never see you have a conversation. It’s always just one-off insults or tangents. When people engage with you, you never respond.

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Did you put out-group in quotes because you don’t know what it means but knew you weren’t using it correctly? If so, tip-of-the-cap to you.

“Like I don’t care about the self ban thing that much. But the reason we are even taking about it is because angry people like @DrChesspain thought it was a good burn and a mod.”

Projection is not a good look for you.

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Come on buddy you know it’s not.


Half of these accounts are my gimmicks and I think I’m getting a bit too heavy-handed with my scripting.


hahaha you all doing the shittiest job imaginable if you’re trying to get me to be less interested in and fascinated by all this

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