RFC: Proposed New Subforum

Start a Captain’s Corner subforum, but make everyone in it talk like a pirate.


For some reason this post reminded me of Captain D’s. Haven’t been there in forever, but I remember it having pretty good seafood for a fast food place. Unfortunately they don’t have a location anywhere near me. https://locations.captainds.com/site-map/US

Can we have a list of people who are “Captains”. I am having a hard time knowing who everyone keeps disparaging.

I know 3-4 people for sure.


So what happens in the new forum when within 10 minutes everyone is calling each other bad faith lying gaslighting trolls? Plus I assume a healthy amount of the c-word mixed in.

I don’t get how having more threads where people motherfuck each other will really do anything to make everyone want to stop motherfuckering each other, but I’m a moron.

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Thinking more of an implementation detail, but what would this subforum be named? May I suggest:

Council Of Captains Knowledge


Council of Unstuck Nuanced Thinkers

Please don’t @ me, these are just shitty jokes.

i don’t know how to organize my thoughts and post now without a throttle

i’ve been skinner boxed baby


I mean, people weren’t poking at other posters in that thread. They was some talking behind people’s back but that’s different than what Rugby was talking about:

There’s one near me. It’s a step above Long John Silver’s but it’s mostly meh.

I don’t like the idea. I don’t like the way it has gone about being accomplished. I don’t like the way I have been treated dissenting to it, even long before I was at 9.5/10 pissed off or even aware of it.

It’s cool man. Your side won. I’m a lying scumbag. Carry on.

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That would seem to be exactly what Rugby was talking about. Personal attacks directed at people outside of the new forum (or outside of the PM thread).

It is different in that one is a public forum and the other is a private message.

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Sorry if I jumped the gun, I was annoyed by people saying and yet there isn’t an RFC thread for this idea…

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It’s really, really funny that so much of the recent bullshit stems from a small group of posters needing to be able to use the c word without moderation over a year ago.


“Private” meaning consisting of like half the user base here?

I always liked them better than LJS. Liked Arthur Treachers better than both. Arthur Treachers fries with malt vinegar - Homer slobber-ahghhhdhh



Also, will there just be a duplicate of all of the common threads in the main forum? A captains covid thread, a Trump thread in both, etc? Or will the new forum have a different type of content too?

I mean you guys had the chance but you had to make fun of jmakin and jmans mental health and compare cuse to a landlord who should be guillotined and endlessly complain about the mods. (No not all of you did it but it was present in that thread).

Now when those things are brought up as legitimate problems the consensus is to just call me a liar and pretend that didn’t happen. Zero apologies. Zero contrition. Zero desire to make the people that some sought to otherize feel anything other than rage. So no you aren’t going about this the right way at all. And what pisses me off the most is I have tried to stay out of this. Obviously I am not now. And look I get it. Very very few people here care what I think. It’s easier to just say I am lying about what we all read and push towards the end goal so have at it. I wish you all the best of luck.


It was 7 people at first. Just let the PM thing go, it wasn’t good but it wasn’t that bad either. Think the shock of it made it feel worse than it was.

Nothing stopping this subforum from being nuked if it turns into a cesspool. Give the people who don’t like the main forum their own little garden to take care of. No downside.


Another logistical question:
I assume that the new sub forum may want to adopt different standards about censoring certain words. Is that supported by the software?

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