RFC: Proposed New Subforum

The final authority for the site has to be clearly defined regardless of what sub forum is added for what purpose and with what moderation.

Ultimately the totality of the userbase has to retain control of the site. I am not saying this as a threat, it’s not even aimed at this specific discussion. Just at the end of the day the buck has to stop somewhere and it has to be a singular place.

If a group wanted to start a sub forum with their own moderation that was specifically aimed at discussing human rights violations and then turned into a place that basically just traded torture videos, I think the totality of the userbase has to have the ability to step in.

Trying to have two or more wholly independent forums under one roof would be a huge mistake for several reasons, including liability issues.

If a sub forum is created and the majority of the userbase determines it has crossed a line and is allowing disagreeable content it has to be able to be shut down.

Again I am not saying this will happen here, I am saying this needs to be clearly defined before ANY semi autonomous sub forum is added.


I love how you two are having this sober erudite exchange while poo is being flung all around you. Carry on.


I’m not worried about this because the behavior driving this subforum is just annoyance, not obscenity or anything like that. So we don’t need to draft the rules w/ the presumption that obscenity will happen. It goes without saying that “the entire forum can revoke the subforum through the normal RFC process and the admins can take down anything that is a liability concern ASAP” but if it needs to be said then we can just keep it as simple as that.


I literally had a concrete example of you completely making shit up. I don’t think you were trying to be nefarious you just had no idea what you were talking about. Hence deleting the post after you realized you were making shit up.

You then tried to make fun of me for needing to take a break from the forum in the middle of a pandemic after suffering a major loss in my life. I’m sure you are a decent person in real life but just based on the small amount of interaction I had with you it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume you are pretty terrible.

Quit projecting your bullshit on me. I enjoy the posting of the majority of posters on this forum, even you.

Your obsession with me is getting a little weird though.


You might think it “goes without saying”, but given the current animosity I’m not sure that all of the folks who want the sub forum the most would sign up for “you get a sub forum, but it can potentially be nuked at any time via RFC” and “an Admin (or mod) can delete anything that poses a ‘liability concern.’”

At the very least, I would expect A LOT of debate about what constitutes a liability, particularly given that this site exists on the world wide web and is therefore potentially subject to many different legal rules.

I’m a law bro, so I realize I’m always inclined towards (a) catasrophising and (b) preemptive rule making, which is a very different approach to the one embraced by most of the subforum advocates. But, personally, when I hear talk of “we’ll just solve that (not guaranteed, but pretty foreseeable) problem by talking it out if/when it happens” or “well, it just goes without out saying that _____”, it sounds to me a bit like the happy couple that is sure they don’t need a prenup because they’ll never get divorced. [And, right now our metaphorical couple isn’t even that happy…]


This especially didn’t happen(I have no idea why you have a second account I used it as an example of why it wasn’t a lit to say lots of people were on multiple accounts). You were the one that said I was lying about saying many people in the Captains were posting on 2nd-4th accounts. This is basically the definition of dishonest bad faith posting.

No one expected Unchained to turn into little-naziland. Not building this subforum with a clear exit strategy before hand ensures that it will be a huge pain in the ass to try and remove it if that proves necessary in the future. We’ve already seen what can happen when an admin doesn’t like the Captains, let’s not find out what can happen if we end up with an admin that does like them.

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I did nazi that little naziland coming



I will admit that every post by a subforum proponent that doesn’t forward the goal of drafting a proposal that can be voted on makes me skeptical about the success of the proposed subforum, but I also like trainwrecks, so maybe this is making me more likely to vote for a subforum? :man_shrugging:

At this point, it seems clear to me that the subforum would likely be flypaper drawing in trolls and bad faith arguers on both sides who seek out conflict. Is horizontal moderation better at dealing with such posters? Perhaps we should experiment and find out. Maybe the effect will be to draw such posters away from the rest of the forum. Or it will provide additional channels for rivulets of hate to seep in and weaken the foundation of this place, until it all comes crashing down in a spectacular fashion.

Who wants to gamble?


Kerowo, Trolly doesn’t actually remember anything about the iterations of that forum and probably doesn’t remember when you were mod or even that you were mod at all. And he won’t after this post, so don’t worry that I just said it. Basically, take his insinuations with a grain of salt.

As a former lawbro, I think preemptive lawyering on low stakes matters is a complete waste of time and money and unnecessary red tape. If it needs to be said then it can be said in one or two sentences, and everyone can move on with their lives.

And as a legal and practical matter, the domain owner and admins have complete and total control over this site and they can and will do whatever it takes to protect their ass. In light of this, any “rules” we come up with will be meaningless in the event of serious problems, “mumbo jumbo” as the lawyers call it.


Well, you’re welcome to quote me, I guess, but I guess unsubstantiated accusations are more fun.

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Didn’t the 4 or 5th iteration of it get really racist/fascist? The one right around the time we left? Or am I misremembering?

I’m not a captain, but again if you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that. Again, I would wager money 80% plus were using original accounts in the PM.

What do you want me to feel shame for this?

It’s ok bubs, you don’t know me so I don’t care if you think I’m a baby for using a self ban.

You can continue to demonstrate you don’t know what you are talking about all you want.

Or just go back and delete your post.

Step 2 can happen in here. Should, really, unless we somehow crack 10k posts before that point.


I dont feel we have had a concrete response from a sub forum advocate to how will we prevent cross poking.

Rather it just tends to be a reply which is some version of “how do we stop it from main to sub or towards sabo/etc now”

Personally. Im not seeing this as adequate. Maybe im missing something? Is this worry overblown?

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You said I made fun of you for personal loss. That’s not true. Self-banning is childish obviously. Why didn’t you just come back on your original account?

Anyways this back and forth is tiring. Best of luck.

Thanks, I see that now and have edited my post above to reflect it