RFC: Proposed New Subforum

Right, I follow you. If you don’t want to read them that solution is easy, mute the subforum. Making the subforum threads visible but visually distinctive is what you’re talking about, right?

In such an inception forum I assume NBZ teaches the LAG style, I’m a virgin, riverman is the lowest count poster, victoar is a centrist, you only make single quote posts and skydiver hates Star Wars?



Must be nice to have the evidence at your finger tips when the rest of us have just our recollections.

Trying to put myself in the shoes of what I presume are a bunch of folks that don’t really get involved in the ATF drama and thinking about their experience. How to communicate to them what the standards are in thread x and thread y when lots of views just mix things up, etc.

I knew someone would get me on that! :grimacing:


Looks like the difference between my “ragequit” and yours from a few days ago is that I actually left for several months.


Good question, I don’t know exactly how that would work. My initial idea would be to initially gently prod posters into conforming with the guidelines, kind of like what JT was saying above. Maybe a PM or a reply saying, hey, we try not to post like that in Captains: Unchained, maybe you could take it down a few notches or put it another way? But that’s just my idea.

I might be forced to change my vote if you stick with captains for the title! :wink:

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Yeah dog your values are screeching about your ignore list behind tiny-to-nonexistent transgressions, over, and over, and over.

No srsly, it’s hilarious:


This was my favorite:

Wait, not that incredibly shitty reply, but the scroll-down:

You actually pulled off a back-to-backer!

Now here’s the thing: I know you’re going to ignore this, I mean, duh, but maybe you can talk about this with somebody you do have respect for, how it’s not exactly a community-building attitude. You still won’t have the self-respect part but you’ll be halfway there.


May I suggest “Fearless Speech” as the title of the new forum? It has a couple nice meanings. It’s the term Foucault used during his last lectures on self-governance and it has the obvious meaning of fearless from moderation.

Just an idea.


Lol, we learned this trick when fidget’s pm’s were revealed.

I’m a mercenary soldier of fortune who was brought in like 600 posts deep, well after Sabo (who started the “Captains” joke) was banned. I disavow any rank, captain or otherwise.

My initial reaction is that “truth is my defense” but I won’t press that.

I will say, “#1? Pssssh, I don’t even crack the top 10.” I shouldn’t be faulted that my insults are more memorable and thus skew the perceptions.

And I will also say that my biggest thing, almost my only thing, has been that it’s ridiculous for people to state the contents of The Document without having read The Document. And just now, again, you said I was an original Captain when actually I came in halfway through and made a bunch of jokes about Ked tripping on drugs, which readers of The Document would clearly know…

So what am I supposed to do with that?


Guys, the Criterion Channel has anime now!


I must admit that it occurs to me some people are mistaking my pointed and poignant observations for no-content low-brow insults, so allow me to demonstrate the difference.



So I’m going to post this once and go back to my self exile. I’m a yes for this, and what pushed me from a soft agree when this was brought up in BBV to a hard yes has been the moderation the last couple days since Chad left. There are a few people on the no side who have gone hard to the paint with the insults in these threads. There is no way I can square fidget cassette and vict deserving bans and these others not. FWIW I was super pissed at what I saw from fidget. There’s a serious problem with how this has all been moderated and it goes a long way to proving to me vict Marty and the rest probably have had a point all along. To those I have been antagonistic to in the past, particularly Marty and Jbro, I apologize. This has been eye opening.


Thank you. This means a lot to me. And I also apologize to you.


You haven’t once answered what horizontal modding is. You’ve been super defensive and avoided the question. This example of “Send them a PM asking them to stop instead of banning” is the closest you’ve got.

I understand why you don’t want to get specific, it isn’t very effective and didn’t work when Micro tried it last year. It relies on people having self control and empathy for the community, which isn’t a universal attribute of our members.

So what happens when someone in a fit doesn’t respond to the request to post better and continues to be disruptive?

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What, no… putting “original” in front of “captain” was just me being redundant; there was no nefarious scheme to it.

I meant that Sabo had a loose vision that was some combination of making a new forum or kinda “occupying” French BBV in some way, and that was who he started joking about as the “Captains”, people who cared about drafting a proposal and planning to make the subforum or alternatives happen:

Then Sabo is banned, Ked gets invited, and starts focusing on simply drafting an RFC for a new forum.

Then I come in later back on my bullshit:


We tried “be nice to each other” why will it work this time?

When did we do that?