RFC: Proposed New Subforum

This is like when the little robot in Steven Spielberg’s A.I. ate the greens to try and prove he was a real live boy and then his face started falling off and he kept glitch repeating “horizontal modding horizontal modding…”

It’s a good flick is what I’m saying.

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Unsurprisingly, there are now in fact times where it’s ok to reveal PMs to “cudgel your enemies”, and it just happens to be when your little clique does it!

I’m shocked I tell you.

Y’all want horizontal modding remember, so a mod revealing a polite request via PM to a group people to “cudgel an enemy” is… ok? At least in y’all’s sandbox I suppose.

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I vote yes because there is simply no coming back from this bickering from what I’ve seen. Will be interesting to see how the conversation goes in parallel threads across each forum. Has it been addressed how admining will work? Same admin for both?

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Revealing a PM could be OK or it could be despicable. Depends on the circumstance. Breaking into someone else’s PMs is despicable.


Would anyone else? Do they face any other consequences other than that? If your request that they not is sufficient to get people to stop, I wouldn’t mind you using it around the forums more.

They get banned by the tyrannical vertical mod team, in accordance with established forum rules. You see why people have a lot of questions about how this would go down in the new place?

Sure, as long as it’s mutual, I think we could come up with reasonable terms. Of course, with an enforcement structure so nebulous, it isn’t clear that or how it would be mutual.

Well, the reason why people are worried about it becoming a cesspool is because as much as there is a premise about “alternative modding,” there hasn’t been an especially clear answer about what you want to have actually posted there that cannot be posted here, so people are of course going to wonder just what that is. Furthermore, the “horizontal modding” push seems to have a clear subtext of “less modding.” So, it’s natural to assume that things that get people banned here would not get them banned over there. What things? The things driving most of the bans of late haven’t been disagreements over Biden’s handling of undocumented immigrants or something actually pertaining to politics. The bans have mainly been driven by ongoing personal beefs with a side of covid conspiracy or other junk science. Considering that people who’ve been banned for this are at least part of the core pushing for the creation of the forum, it’s pretty fair to wonder if that’s what they want in their new place.


This is like that biblical legend and I’m staring at how an angel actually looks all crazy fucked up to the point that just gazing upon them makes you go blind from madness.


I will vote yes on this if I think it’s good for the forum as a whole and no if not. Haven’t made up my mind yet.


This thread does no bode well for the sub forum or the main one for that matter.

If you are for the sub forum may I suggest you simply ignore all posts off that topic? Do not engage caffeine or jman. If someone posts on a topic other than the mechanics of the sub forum simply ignore it. It doesn’t exist.

Simply refuse to be roped into a fight.


But we are the shit posters who have no control of ourselves. How come you are not making this appeal to the really awesome good posters who have tons of self control and shit great posts like gold?


I’m interested in your thoughts on why it might be good for the forum and why it might be bad for the forum.

That said I am still confused on the proposed mechanics.

Is this one sub forum, no different than say Sundary Chitchat. And under this forum will be whatever topics posters pick?


Are you hoping to duplicate the entire forum?

I think you intend the former?

I’m going to play some video games for a while, but I’ll be back with some thoughts later.


Be the change you want to see in the world. :grin:

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So it’s all true but not everyone did it? Seems resoundingly not dishonest but you do you.

It has to be the former.

I mean, when they hired me there was nothing about talking up a crazy inception forum.

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Then it’s hard to think of any objections.

Worst case, if it doesn’t work we have a vote and remove it.

Seems easily reversible.

On my phone, I have it set to latest and I just sort of see all the topics with new stuff bubble up to the top and generally I don’t really even know which area of the site those threads are in.

Would this also be the case for threads in the new sub-forum? If they were all mixed together in that view, how would a user know what moderation standards applied?

Something like all titles on that sub forum have a naming convention would work.

I don’t know what they intend to call it but let’s say “Subforum”.

Then all topics are xxxxxx (sf).

That would make it easy to differentiate.


I think so. On my phone the subforum is right under the thread title. @goreo is there any way you can think of to make the new subforum threads more visibly distinctive if that’s what a user wants to see?

I will mock up a new forum so we can all see how distinct I can make it look