RFC: Permaban Jmakin?

This doesn’t make you a hypocrite, it makes you a jerk.

This seems like extremely off-topic (and borderline “trolling”) body of work in a thread about jmakin.

Voted no ban but reassuring to see Jmakin taking threats of doxxing seriously /s

I’ve decided I’m voting no on the permaban. I was leaning yes because of the doxxing thing like @CaffeineNeeded voted but the fact that this was used as a tit for tat to bring up the Sabo ban have convinced me that the proponents of banning jmakin are not acting in good faith, and I’m not getting tricked into a voting with them again like I was for the Keed moderator election.

Every single Captain who has voted in jmakin’s banning poll has voted no!

Lol, in a non binding straw poll. We’re still three polls away from the actual vote and it’s quite clear what is going on here.

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The only thing clear is that you have somehow managed to get even dumber since I’ve last posted here.


Decent pot luck if everyone contributes.

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omg you people are unhinged


we’ve banned hinges


It appears so. This is the battiest of all batshit crazy ive seen here.

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I made the Sabo thread because his worst offense is he posts “badly” or whatever, I don’t know of him PMing anyone with advice on slashing their wrists warning them to watch their backs or abusing power entrusted to him to snoop. I don’t even really have an opinion on Sabo but your OP inspired me.


`sabo pm’d me some shit and this place is better for his absence

I mean, there have literally been zero posts by anyone in this thread about any of the above allegations regarding Jmakin and that’s the first I’m hearing about it anyway. The most we’ve gotten is an implicit threat to reveal Victor’s real name, which yeah, I agree is fucked up, and have already posted is fucked up. Your tit for tat Sabo poll is unfortunate.

lol the last sentence is a masterpiece

Eta - boo, you edited. Now its just okay.


Maybe there could have been if these people hadn’t immediately tried to turn this into a thread about the captains.

Seriously, what the fuck are you guys even doing? If this isn’t a snap ban, then there shouldn’t be any bans at all here (and I mean literally none, other than spam and horse porn or something). If that’s your position, that’s fine! There are several people who have taken that position, including some of those captains that you continue to complain about. But unless that’s your position, why don’t we leave this thread to discussing jmakin’s actions. Take your beefs somewhere else (or stop them entirely, for fucks sake).


Not only that, but the captains are guilty of trying to get jmakin banned by voting no (devious plan!) and are responsible for creating a thread about another perma that was opened by non-captain mod potato.

Savvy motherfuckers.

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You have to admit that it was a pretty slick move by the captains tricking jman into making this RFC.

You should post that in Sabo’s RFC.

not that i expect anyone to reply, but who/what are the captains?

cool kids basically?