RFC: Permaban Jmakin?

I’m sorry ctyri, exactly how many utterly obnoxious attacks from JT do I have to take to satisfy you?

I respect that it’s your position, but why do you think this just has no history of working anywhere in the history of the internet?

You’re just emulating the chan sites, which is less than ideal imo.

This place has never been more than a select group of people from 2p2 and setting up processes in the beginning like we were ever going to have hundreds of thousands or millions of users was a mistake. It was only a modest sized group of people who knew each other chatting.

That’s why the discord works fine, because they never thought a few dozen people chatting needed a government.

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Wildly throwing frankly stupid accusations is not going to result in anything positive for you. You do this all the time, and utterly losing your shit is going to get you precisely nothing… again.

As many as they take from you seems fair.

Right. So when I say my opinion about an event, it’s totally fair for JT to make that kind of response. Meanwhile, you’re going to jump in, as a totally honest arbiter, to chastise only me when I respond.


Most of the other places I’ve posted at have been smaller or more niche than here, largely composed of people younger and less mature.

I dont think the option to ban people is an issue of a user base reaching some critical mass, more of a sign of mutual respect to the users that they uphold towards each other.

We agree less bans would be ideal. But way too often things got too emotional, personal and all respect was lost.

Those motives are openly stated JT by multiple people in the captains. You can consider whoever you want to be captains. But if you want to make this place better, you can start by not being a massive dick whenever you come here. The only reasonable explanation for your behavior is that you are here to fight. Participate here like a normal person again and I’ll happily believe you aren’t here to simply ruin this place.

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Which, again, is the root of your problem. You’re butthurt over internet drama that is, at a minimum, 5 years old. You and I got along fine until you figured out I was ikes.

You should reflect on that. And if you truly give a shit about this place, try contributing positively again.

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The comments about/comparison to 4chan and incels have insulted a bunch of people. They don’t like being compared to that.


I wasn’t posting in pol with you. When I was told you are Ikes I said I ‘who is Ikes?’. Once you got comfortable here you were you. That was a turn off but like many here I was like yeah but he is a doctor with maybe some great info. Then I started to realize you believe everything you think and greatly overestimate your intellect and knowledge. You respond without reading, you either don’t care to or can’t understand others but clearly make very little effort to proudly. You straight up make shit up and present is as fact without citation, which is only apparent when I happen to be more familiar with details on a subject than you, and suddenly your value proposition is diminished. I never went back and read what you think about killing black kids and trans people, cause that would just prejudice further what I already think about you - obnoxious, closed minded and not half as clever as you claim to be.

You’re the reason people don’t wanna post here, Ikes.

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Is there another significantly sized forum with the ‘no mods’ system out there?

This is a tiny forum. Plenty of small groups of people chat without intervention.

What’s the resolution here? CN isn’t leaving, bans seem to be off the table, I guess people aren’t satisfied with using the ignore function. Does this ever end or is the forum going to continue being non-stop unloading on this poster you hate? What’s the endgame here?


It wasn’t meant as anything towards anyone specific, but the “no holds barred, no moderation” type is really only across the internet also tried there. If there was a random Green Bay Packers or Warhammer or pottery forum that was well known for such, I’d use that as a reference. There isn’t, because those communities all accept a form of moderation that 99.9% of the internet has adopted.

Seems like the endgame is an endless circle jerk in the About Unstuck threads.

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I don’t know, but this is not a significantly sized forum and it causes more problems here than it solves at this point regardless of whether or not it is necessary at larger scales.

The resolution was reached over a year ago. Certain people move over to the other forum for the majority of their posting. They also post here to snipe about things they are emotionally upset about. We then have this facade about trying to work things out, RFCs and just endless trolling since.

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Really. Almost everyone came from 2p2 and most of the people were specifically invited and people were talking in PMs, emails, and on a slack channel about who to invite. Few people have come since and the few who would never have been invited (not counting CN, but counting people like kelhus who has come here) have been very quickly banned.

I’m pretty certain that this take of mine is essentially correct and that you’re just playing games and trying to score points with childish posts like “spittake”.

I’ll help you out.

I was invited.

Calling this place invite only is absurd though