RFC: No thread on this site should be throttled without a really good reason

i think it’s a decent tool at times. maybe it’s overused at the moment, but that’s a judgement issue and where rotating mods should come in to play.

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I mean we just want a sub forum, you guys can keep your modding in the main forum.

No I haven’t. Which part have I lied about? Cite some examples of my lies Vict0ar?

Voting no, but it’s a soft no, for whatever that’s worth.

I volunteered as mod, just yesterday. And I’d like to think I have the respect and self-respect to handle a snafu without telling a bunch of adults that they’re not allowed to type words too fast in to the rectangle to show the other adults.

Would this RFC be respected or would it be treated as a plot to undermine the mods?


I never asked or rooted for you to be banned FTR. I have repeatedly actually posted that most in the Captains PM thread were not involved in the actual worst behavior. Almost in every post I have made about it.

You want me banned for rightfully calling the captains terminal malcontents (I mean seriously what else could you call it at this point) but you think it’s ok to repeatedly call me a liar. Seems a little hypocritical given all the whining and moaning about the tyrannical modding and captain bans.

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Both, I think. The people posting dumb shit are just going to use the chillout clock to power up their dumb levels, and vice versa.



To deescalate this a slight amount I would vote yes for you as a mod btw. I mean I’m going to respect whatever the RFCs decide because that is the system we have. I personally think it is a dumb system that has greatly increased the level of rancor and vitriol around here and especially towards the mods though.

But srsly, somehow 2+2 existed without throttles so I think the Won’t Somebody Think Of The Mods And Mod Tools discourse to be lacking.


I don’t really mind you calling me a malcontent. It’s more or less accurate, if somewhat ungenerous. But the flip side of that is if I’m a malcontent then you’re like a half step away from calling out Forum Traitors guilty of Internet Sedition, which, eh, kind of overblown.

Fair, and I’m just saying I think specifically the throttles are a cut-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face solution. This could just come down to forum philosophy. I had the 2nd most posts in Unchained, dunking on the nazis left and right.

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Victor, you will not be able to troll the Overton Window to you. Don’t bother trying.


Take your subforum. Seriously, draft the RFC.

Lol this post being flagged is silly.


My posting is totally overblown compared to this lol. Like come on guys the mods aren’t terrible monsters and 99% of the rest of us aren’t either. I don’t understand why as adults this has to fucking go on forever with literally zero chance at any resolution. My opinion is this RFC and the whole RFC FOR OUR NEXT PRIVATE PM GANGBANG yesterday started by the same poster less than 24 hours ago are literally part of the problem. You can disagree that’s fine but it’s obvious its just another effort to undermine the very limited amount of forum governance we actually have here.

That isn’t me? I actually want as little moderation as possible but that requires people to be able to both be decent human beings and for some people to have thicker skin. The council of captains shitting all over every thread for a year is the reason we are here and somehow that is the side you fall on. Ok man whatever.

You have called me a liar about 10 times in the last 24 hours. Let’s see the lies.

It has been publicaly posted here, is far from a secret and that is far from a lie. Ok champ, get on with it.

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You had a meltdown yesterday when I tried to publicize an open PM thread. I don’t see how the Discord is any different.

BTW throttling is part of what’s moving discussions to PMs. Hate “secret” PM threads? Vote to unthrottle!

eta: See zara’s recent post on sorting out her beefs in PM because she couldn’t do it in an open thread.


This is the part I find counterproductive though.

For this issue (the throttling) my stance is: It doesn’t matter what happens if threads are unthrottled, I can just scroll past something I subjectively thing is poopoo flung, like nunnehi and cuse arguing way back (though I also read some of their arguments if the topic interested me). That’s the beauty of written communication in this forum format; it’s almost literally impossible to “ruin” a thread and let it get “out of control” with people “shouting over” each other and other such terms. Everything is always neat and tidy in the little rectangles.

Now, I know some people might subjectively disagree, but I’d state that this stance of mine is objectively very much live-and-let-live; whether live-and-let-live is ideal is the part that is more than open for disagreement. But, for somebody to disagree, they’d be potentially “whining and complaining about an internet forum that isn’t pefectly shaped in their own idealistic image”. But, I wouldn’t think to phrase it that way and present in as such, unless I was trying to be unfair and hurtful.