Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

Yeah, HM and HM2 have killer soundtracks. The song was pretty good, I just don’t see it in my regular rotation like the songs above it.

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I had a feeling this might be yours

I guess my initial fears were unfounded…I’m still alive for another podium!


Yeah I went through a LOT of songs and was about to submit something else (which I’ll post after the podium) but figured that this was more your style and switched back to it at the last second. Probably was the right decision, the other song is more pyat than you.

Well, I’m still alive. I’m somewhat amazed given I’m not certain I’ve played a computer game in the last decade or more (outside of board games on my phone.)

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Well, based on what I am about to say in my write up, I am quite certain I know which of the final three is yours.

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So lets do it!

In 3rd place - Scoring 11 - Ishgard Night Theme (Night in the Brume) From Final Fantasy XIV

Beautiful. I love the piano work, I love the tranquility and peacefulnes. I haven’t played XIV, but from previous FF experience, I can picture exactly where and when a song like this would play. You’ve made it through a number of tough battles and found your way to a city that is in relative peace, at rest. A place you can heal your wounds and talk with your party and discover secrets of the past before moving on to the next big challenge. This is wonderful, and a bold choice due to the length and relative slowness of the piece.


That was me and i did not think i was a shoe in i thought i was last scrolling down seeing the tony hawk youtube :frowning:


In 2nd place - Scoring 12 - Declination by Com Truse - from Hohokum

The first 20 seconds of this song make me want to rip my ears off, but it actually settles into a really kick ass instrumental tune that I didn’t want to stop listening to. Take your 20 seconds of ear damage and your 12 points and get the hell off my lawn. Based on Pyat’s consistency in making me want to remove my ears in some way, I assume this is his.


This is mine. when you first go there, it’s actually a city at war (near the end of a war that you help end), but it’s also the place that takes you in after you’ve been driven out of the home you had for the entire previous part of the game, so yeah, definitely a place of respite.


Correct. I have some records by Com Truise and when I saw their name in my second or third google search involving words like “half decent video game music”, that was good enough for me. I feel a bit dirty gaining 12 points, but it is a really nice track.


Its wonderful. There is so much richness in Final Fantasy soundtracks. You picked a good one.


For someone like me who generally dislikes EDM, it really did give me the feeling when it was over of “Man, I want to listen to that again.” which is so rare for me, I couldn’t not give it a high spot.

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Im okay with fifth based on the entries ahead of me really went deep into video games music and i just picked a song i like from one of the few games i played a ton

And our champeeeeeeeeeen

In 1st place - Scoring 13 - Fear Not This Night (with lyrics by Asja Kadric) from Guild Wars 2.

This song just builds and builds at the beginning and then leads into this haunting, beautiful selection by Asja Kadric. This is a song that will certainly land in my regular rotation. I loved it, and it gave me chills multiple times. The accompaniment is swelling and breathtaking. Great song, great choice.


I am of the opinion that MMOs absolutely must have good music, because the players spend so much time in game and you don’t want them to get bored, or worse hate what they are hearing. I think most MMO devs take that seriously, too, because I’ve played almost all of them at one point or another and can’t recall any of them having bad soundtracks.


I gotta say, I was worried that this category would end up being a comedy category level mishmash of terrible, but you guys really came through and this is much much closer to a Sing-along reveal than a comedy one.


Great reveal sir! Bravo!


Thanks for playing! Now back to sweating my unending string of nodiums.

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Who won?