Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

Another good guess for me, but also not mine. I have officially made the podium.

Yet another band I love. They were kind of in this pre-grunge group of bands that didn’t fit into the old 80’s post-punk/new wave group but also weren’t quite up to the grunginess of the early-mid 90s greats.

I like this version of the song.

I have a feeling lots of you are gonna be mad that my choice made the podium, but hey, it just means I got mjiggy’s tastes right.


OK I’m pretty sure I know which song was yours then, not one I would’ve thought at the outset!

Your edit makes it even more likely

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This was the version from Legion. A absolute belter of show I would recommend very highly


Pump up the volume soundtrack has tons of great stuff. This brilliancy was in the movie but not on the official soundtrack for some reason:


And this was my 2nd choice from the same movie obv:


If you’ve never heard the song, I feel like you’d need to see the show to get this

I headed over to you tube after seeing it on the show and it was hilarious to see all the comments from all the people who had done exactly the same thing

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honestly, that’s how so many people are discovering these older gems lately. I see it on a LOT of youtube comments. My submission had similar comments!

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Just have to echo this recommendation. I’d completely forgotten I still have Season 3 waiting for me, so there goes most of my weekend.


no lie, the shirt I got from attending the Legion ComicCon panel a few years ago is one of the most comfortable t-shirts I own. They didn’t skimp. I hadn’t seen the show at that point (it was before another panel I wanted to see), but the quality of the shirt pushed me over the top.

Show quality matches shirt quality.


Alright let’s try to get this podium done. Sorry no fun images or gifs. In third place for 11 points and a bronze medal

David Bowie - The Heart’s Filthy Lesson

Pauwl’s Note: Song should start at 4:30 into the video.

Sending the live version probably almost hurt this song and I had it a bit lower but once I was able to focus in on it a bit better I found myself liking it more and more. From some comments I read Bowie either worked with NIN on this song or was heavily influenced by them. I like some NIN stuff and I really like the way this sounds. A solid Bowie song that I wasn’t previously familiar with was a good choice, well played.


Was this you Pauwl?

No. That was my attempt to send it to you at the correct time stamp. I think it only works if you open it in a different window. The hyperlink worked in the PM I sent you.

i think it’s blatant cheating and obvious disqualification

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Must be Rivaldo’s then, because even though it’s awesome, it’s not mine.

I’m actually starting to feel a little bit guilty, because some of these songs are objectively better than mine.

Mine is still more fun, though


i also don’t get why you got a great Bowie song from Rivaldo and I got GOOBA :((


also because of Rivaldo, youtube just suggested this brand new hit for me:


In second place and at this point the most likely remaining skydiver song:

Oingo Boingo - Just Another Day (most recently in Stranger Things season 2)

Commentary - God bless the great Danny Elfman. Before he left to score movies full-time, he had this crazy band that he seems ashamed of now, but they made some great tunes, man. I was going to use Dead Man’s Party from Back To School, but I figured everyone has heard that because it’s all over the place every Halloween. Instead, it’s Just Another Day.

If you sent me this song out of context and told me it would get second in my walrus I would probably assume the walrus was three or four songs deeps. I initially had it in the upper half but as I listened to my playlist I found myself thinking about this song in particular more and more. I’m not really sure why but walrus works in mysterious ways. Sort of an offbeat choice but a surprisingly good one! Again, two through six were pretty close and a lot could’ve been determined by the order I initially listened to them in or something that was going on during one of my play throughs. Still I don’t feel bad about any of it,“It’s just another daaaaaay”


I guess that leaves Pauwl alone on the podium with the one certified banger that was submitted to this category.

Ruby Friedman Orchestra - You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive

Wire to wire winner, I’ll let the song speak for itself because I’m off to go listen to it again myself.