Resilient Rexx Keeps On Keeping On

I’m actually somehow sleeping ok but waking up in a very anxious and stressed out state every morning. I need to start getting some exercise or something.

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Same here. The garden has been my only source of exercise and I clearly need more. I find it harder with everyone home but I could just get up earlier to get a good 45 minutes in.

I’d recommend minimizing your Covid-specific media intake, too.

Opinions aside, it literally seems to be all some people do. Wake and inundate and shake.

Worry is betting against yourself :heart:

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Now that I feel like I know everything I can do to keep my family safe, I’m starting to back off. I’ve actually been most at peace when I’ve had busy work days, so I think you’re on to something here.


I agree and I’ve already done so. It just gets too much tbh.

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stay occupied, yeppers

there are so many good, brilliant people out there figuring it out. loads of goofballs obvs, but we can forgive them and not focus on what seems ignorant and dangerous. We can only control what we can control.

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I’m losing weight, too, woman :slight_smile:

down 15 lbs from my high mark. Only had an apple and some cantaloupe today

we got this


Great job!

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120.7 gained 0.2 which is probably not surprising as I went over 2k twice and over 1800 3 times. It could also be salt. Gotta be a bit tighter. This covid stuff is no laughing matter we all need to be in good shape if we catch it. On the plus side I’ve been eating minimum 5 vegetables and fruit per day. That’s set in stone.

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I’ve worked out a leak! At least twice a week a tin of pineapple gets opened and I generally drink the juice but haven’t been logging it. Now I’m wracking my brain to figure out anymore.


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It is very hard to stay under when you’re baking a fresh loaf everyday!

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All things considered I think you’re doing great Rexxie! You’re logging every day, and even your “over days” are not too wild. Pretty impressive when factoring in the daily fresh loaf ;-)

I’m happy for you! It seems like this is the most consistent you have been with your logging!

edit - would it be possible to do the fresh loaf every 2 days instead? might make a pretty big difference over the span of a week?

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