Well I’m not doing great at staying below 1600. I know right, I’m also super surprised. Anyway still relatively happy due to the time of the year that I’m not having huge blowouts, so it’s still been worth it. If I weigh myself tomorrow and weigh the same as my last weigh in it’s a win.
No win for me 116.1.
My scales melted so I have been using the old fashioned ones instead. I think I need to order some digital ones because something is definitely out of whack here.
Not ruling out that I am the element that is out of whack.
IMO maintenance or anything close to it during the holidays is a success. Hang in there
Thanks! I love your new avatar.
TY. Took me a while to find a combo I like enough to keep longer than a day.
I’m really curious if anyone has had dreams about other forum members? I had one a couple of nights ago about chop (surprise suprise it involved travelling), I also had one about a road trip with El D and Natamus made a quick appearance and the lovely Fabian has made an appearance in 2 different dreams! It feels slightly weird dreaming about people you’ve never met (although I’ve met chop) especially when with some you have no idea of what they even look like! Spill the beans people! Hopefully I’m not a lone weirdo in thsi department.
I don’t remember the details exactly, but I had a dream with JT in it where he had hair. I have met JT though. I’ve had dreams with people on the forums that I haven’t met - I think - but I can’t remember who or what happened.
Thank goodness. I feel moderately relieved somebody else has them too. In my defense I dream a lot!
Did you comment on him having hair? What colour was it? Was it an afro? Mullet?
I’m not totally sure as I barely remember it, but I think I noted it without comment and it was short and kind of bleach blonde and kind of spiked up or something that looked like he was trying to look like a 20 year old.
So Johnny!
At two instances you can officially be deemed dreamy.
This is Christmas Eve. Took Christmas off but if I had to estimate probably high 2k.