Request Product Recommendations ITT!

These are the current requirements for Matlab. I think the school would want to recommend a laptop that is likely to still fulfill the recommended specs in 2028-29. You can look at recommendations for previous years and try to project what that looks like. The processor and RAM suggestions seem right to me if you want to future-proof a laptop for four years.

You canā€™t headshot noobs in Matlab. Gonna need some computing power for that.

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Thereā€™s this:

But if heā€™s an engineering major and is going to be using Revit or any 3d modeling software youā€™re likely going to have to get near $1000 for a suitable machine.

This was kinda what I was thinking.

One part of the equation is that four years might be a long time to hope to future-proof a laptop against a 17 yo.

Maybe I need to call the dept and ask what specifics the specs are actually needed for.

Thanks for all the tips, folks.

As a reward, hereā€™s a quick fun video of Dutch soccer fans in Germany yesterday

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How many high school girls will this engineering student be banging over the next 4 years?

Drop a note when you get more specs and Iā€™ll help you find a suitable machine.

Thanks, bud!

The college seem fairly firm w the specs, so weā€™re going w that.
I found this for $900. Meets all the specs(+).
Thoughts? Or other recommendations?"--intel-evo-platform-laptop---13th-gen-intel-core-i7-13700h---2.5k-2560-x-1600-display---windows-11.product.4000139280.html

The only issue with that one is the schools specs show 4gb memory for graphics which leads me to believe they really want a separate graphics processor rather than a built in graphics processor. Which makes sense if theyā€™re doing any 3d modeling.

I think this machine would do but youā€™d have to add another 16gb of RAM. Looks like about $50 to add another 16gb of RAM but you may need to get 32gb depending on the amount of slots on the laptop:

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Again, tyty.
Great recommendation I have no doubt! An extra $50, or watevs, is nuttin to make aure he ainā€™t short of anything.
Youā€™re tha man Fatboy!!

I donā€™t think the additional ram is available as an upgrade during the order on Dell, but I would put the order in and call them and see if they can do the upgrade before they ship it out.

Cool. Thanks again!