Relocation in light of SCOTUS decisions

Anyone with Italians in their family tree? Do any other nations do this?

Took my former colleague several trips to Italy and overall close to a decade to get his Italian citizenship.

Not sure if theyā€™ve made the process easier now or if his situation was unique though.

Lots of countries do this, but itā€™s usually limited to a certain number of generations and/or has other restrictions. While Italyā€™s is open to more distant relatives, the rules are still strict and not many qualify. I missed the cut because my father was born 8 months too late.

So your relative had already naturalized (renouncing his Italian citizenship) before your father was born?

Yes. My grandfather - who emigrated to the US when he was like 5 years old - grew up, got married, lived through all of WWII, had a kid, and only then, 8 months before his second kid was born, did he finally become a naturalized citizen. I had always assumed it was something he had done years or decades earlier and am still bewildered trying to figure out why he waited so long.

I imagine @suzzer99 has looked into it.

The surge in people leaving America will be coming soon. Whether they get citizenship elsewhere, become asylum seekers, or illegal immigrants is the question.

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new zealand looks nice and theyā€™re very thirsty for professionals of certain skillsets. I havenā€™t checked out old zealand, though.

Abortion is illegal in the only country that is a viable immigration destination for me.

New Zealand sounds awesome so I went and did some research and it sounds great and OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT IS THAT??


Iā€™ve resigned myself to living out the rest of my life in this Country, but I will definitely make sure my kids have a fighting chance of living their best lives if itā€™s not going to be here.

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i will probably end up there some day. salaries are quite a bit lower than Iā€™m used to, but so is cost of living - the only thing that ever stops me is knowing Iā€™d also probably have to pay US taxes, and that pisses me off.

eta: well fk me sideways we have an income tax treaty with nz. probably would have to pay 1-2 years of double taxes and thatā€™s it. fuck it, iā€™m going.

Yeah as long as you can prove lineage to an ancestor who was never naturalized in another country (I think), then you are eligible.

Iā€™ve never really tried to look into it. But in my case it would be my great great grandfather, who everyone in Positano knows, and I share his last name and his first name is my middle name. So one would think that might grease the wheels a bit.

I donā€™t really care too much about settling down for the foreseeable future. I have no problem with being a semi-nomad the rest of my life as long as Iā€™m healthy.

of course, thereā€™s a fly in the ointment -

I have their second highest level of preferred qualification, am in a profession that they deem in a shortage, yet I can only score 110/100 on their points indicator to get an invitation for permanent residence. they basically only send out invites to 160+ - my remaining 50 points would have to come from an offer of employment, but I doubt any employer is gonna want to wait up to a year for me to be able to work in the country.

New Zealand having a low cost of living seems wrong to me but admittedly I am basing that off of budgeting for an uncoming trip not living there.

Iā€™m in california, everything is going to have a low cost of living compared to here.

the avg downtown flats I can find in Auckland, the most expensive city, are $2500 NZD/mo. thats less than what I pay in USD which would be nearly double that in NZD.

thereā€™s plenty of rural areas that are far cheaper. healthcare is free. taxes are low. itā€™s a good country

eta: this is gonna sound a little ridiculous but one thing that gives me major pause is that generally gaming servers in south pacific region suck assā€¦.

Iā€™m pretty sure there is more than only one. How are you defining viable? Whatā€™s keeping you from Portugal, for example.

u rich bastids buy some property in the semi-wilds of Canada, and if you have a skill, you get a Blauschein

I doubt I have sufficient wealth for a poker player to immigrate to a country in the EU.

Portugal only requires like 1000 Euros a month or something like that. Itā€™s the easiest one I can think of off the top of my head.