
Give [x] absolute position top right to take it out of the flow and you’re left with icon&content which you can then position within the flexbox - row/column, justify, align etc.

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CSS is easier than other programming languages because it’s declarative rather than imperative and lets you program with high-level abstractions. On the other hand, CSS is harder than other programming languages because it’s declarative rather than imperative and lets you program with high-level abstractions.


I suspect a lot of the problems with messy CSS is that the people who write it often don’t come from a technical background where the importance of clean, maintainable code was repeatedly beaten into their heads.

Yeah that would take me about 30 seconds with position absolute and justify-content center :neutral_face:

I used to hate working on CSS - anything less than basic styling was a trial. You knew it could be done but omg this is awful…

Less/Sass, CSS3 and browser dev tools make it fun now.

Ok thanks. This works on code pen. But I need to try it on our real app.

<div class="alert-box">
  <div class="icon-content-container">
    <div class="icon">[ICON]</div>
    <div class="content">This is some content yeah!</div>
  <div class="close-button">X</div>
.alert-box {
  background-color: yellow;
  padding: calc(1.4375rem) 4.6875% calc(1.1875rem);

.icon-content-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  justify-content: center;

.icon {
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  margin: 0px calc(0.9375rem);
.content {
.close-button {
  top: 28px;
  right: 50px;

See css is easy

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Right I just need to learn about 1000 more of these rules that are really hard to google (like the position absolute thing) and I’m good to go. Just saying it takes a while and the prospect is daunting. It’s like learning Unix.

Also the position absolute thing works except for mobile, where the X overlaps with the content. I guess I need another empty div to preserve enough space for the X?

Should either set that right to less in a media query or just use percents instead of px

padding-right:25px on the icon-content-container seems to make it happy

Thanks guys - it feels good to finally clear up this low priority bug. Also makes it look like I’m doing something.

It seems practically everyone ITT seems to lean front end! It’s surreal to be a programmer looking at a programming thread and wondering what everyone is talking about.


REAL programmers make queries to databases and respond with JSON imo

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I’ve actually seen^H^H^H fixed code where a stored procedure returned xml created by concatenating strings and columns together!

db programmers: “fuck both of you”

My very first job was to make some enhancements to a ledger reconciliation batch process which was written as a giant pl/sql blob of around 10k lines and a proC module in Oracle.
Fun times.

By the way, in case others (like myself) are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with Cauchy’s interlace theorem, here’s a version of the proof that does not use it:

Let S be the sqrt(n)-eigenspace of the matrix A_n. Then S has dimension 2^(n-1). Consider a large principal submatrix B of A_n. We wish to lower bound its spectral norm (maximum eigenvalue). This is the same as maximizing over vectors x with norm 1. But it’s not hard to see that this maximum as the same as the maximum of over unit vectors x that have a 0 entry on indices corresponding to rows/columns that are not in B. Let L by the subspace of all such vectors with 0 entries on those indices. Then L has dimension at least 2^(n-1)+1, since B uses at least that many rows/columns. It follows that the intersection of L with S must have dimension at least 1. Thus there is a unit vector x that is in both L and S, meaning it has 0s on entries corresponding to rows/columns not in B but it is a sqrt(n)-eigenvector of A_n. This gives a lower bound of sqrt(n) on the spectral norm of B, as desired.

Math is a lot harder than programming right? I feel reasonably confident I could remove the jargon and explain any high-level programming concept to a lay person in a few minutes, to where they at least had a conceptual grasp. But I’m not sure I could understand this in a year of trying, with expert help.

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ok, how do neural networks work? How do I write one? How do I know if it is good?

I have studied this - but good luck trying to get me to explain it these days

Lol I’m getting canceled by the anti-cancel-culture mob on Hacker News.

Dude, that’s easy. Put the eigenspace in a flexbox and use absolute positioning on the subspace vectors.