
I didn’t say I could explain that. I said I could explain stuff I know - like composition over inheritance, or factories, or functional vs. imperative programming.

Are you a wizard?

lol I lost 30 points of karma on HN last week from dunking on idiots re: packing the courts and they did the same thing, when their talking points get exhausted they just downvote and don’t comment. I gave you 3 back!

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I completely agree with your point. It has me thinking about the conceptually hard parts.

Next to explain: What should the interface look like for this service? What are you abstracting and what are you keeping concrete? What matters in picking the types, names; how are errors represented?

I think you could write a book on this simple topic?

Thanks. It’s funny - the second my reply gets upvoted to more than 1, it bubbles up to the top, where it immediately gets downvoted back down.

TIL suzzer is on HN. wattba

Lol que

I’m just the guy who gets the call about some random broken shit and complains about the spaghetti code and potato servers.

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i also feel that idiomatic go is very dogmatic.

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yeah but inheritance is fucking awful.

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my company slack is having a nice productive friday rewatching this


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lol statically typed languages

Inheritance does suck.

Interfaces are good because they require that you only describe behaviour. Inheritance breaks abstraction by making demands about how the internal state of objects has to work.

This is the dictionary definition of the highly desirable principle of composition over inheritance.


Also Suzzer, for the record complaining about CSS in 2021 is like having been a Chiefs fan for three years and being like “wow I can’t believe we lost this Superbowl, I found it heartbreaking and difficult to endure, hard to go through things like this”.

I hate OOP. Was explaining the concept the other day to the kid i’m mentoring with the classic dog/animal example people always use to describe inheritance and how a class works and stuff.

But the worst thing is trying to do OOP in a language where it’s a pain to do OOP, like C. My last company did that.

In python it’s not so bad or complicated - like most things in python. I love python, it’s beautiful.

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I’ve been building a service mesh with hashicorp’s consul and I have to say this is some of the coolest shit I have seen in a while. Hashicorp builds some really awesome stuff. Their documentation is kind of sucky for anything advanced - I think it’s intentional to get you to buy their enterprise licenses (because the free open source versions are so powerful you honestly don’t need to buy any of their products for most use cases).

I would definitely try to work for hashicorp in my next job. For what I do their tools are just chefskiss. My team’s adoption of terraform alone means I don’t need to write and maintain thousands of lines of bash anymore. That’s always a big win, lol

As someone who constantly shoots themselves in the foot, I like this design philosophy.

There’s a lot to be said for making things idiot proof.

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Python is kind of the opposite I think (not as much as PHP was (I think)) in that it lets you do things different ways and you could shoot yourself in the foot, but in python there are customs to not do things. I think.

I think an extreme of don’t let yourself shoot yourself in the foot is Haskell, though that’s very wild speculation as I’ve never done anything in it.

I’ve been complaining about CSS since Marty Shottenheimer.