
Ok keep a constant gutter until the inner content hits a max width desktop, meanwhile right justify the stuff inside a header even though the outside container is centered. Oh yeah, the header expands along with the content, until it hits the max width. All the weird rules and shit inside that inherits from the outside drives me bananas.

I knew i was destined for devops when I was only one of 4 students in a class of 100 that successfully deployed my apache web server, but still received a middling/nearly failing grade because my website looked terrible.

Some people are just not naturally good at this stuff.

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It’s more fun too. But there’s definitely a culture war between the front end and devops in my company - it’s pretty funny. They blame us for any self inflicted problems they have, and we think they’re dumb :slight_smile:

Of course a lot of different skillsets are needed to build and maintain a large website. I want to be a full stack developer someday but fear I’ll just never be that good at some of this stuff

No apparently everyone just learns CSS in an hour.

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I never said we were good.

I do a lot of shit. Like sometimes you gotta spin up a very simple site for displaying some dashboard you created using half a dozen different APIs and stuff. It also helps to have an understanding of application code so you can debug issues.

It wouldn’t be a very hard pivot. Although, I am not strong in a lot of languages other than python/golang/bash

Its not that its easy its that other “real” programming is much harder.

I will never be good at design. I just don’t care about it as much or like the same things as most people or maybe even know what I will like well enough. I’m trying to get my artistic daughter to do more frontend web stuff.

Right but stuff that shines in interviews can take weeks/months to learn. I could probably still write some app in java but I’d be constantly googling simple syntax and style guides. That looks bad in interviews.

Hell I’m decent at python and still forget the colons after if statements 50% of the time.

Yea same lol. Except bash/shell I can write in my sleep. I have probably written over 50k lines of bash in the last year or so. I would like to be on that level for other languages too.

The bash script that deploys this website is absolutely beautiful. I am a big fan of the creators of discourse.

Nano says “woop!”

Is that a graphic designer who knows some javascript or a javascript developer who is good at design?

She leans towards design/art, but she’s about to start her second C++ class and took AP CS in HS which was primarily javascript.

At my current job in my final panel interview they asked me to write a function that would find a given value in a list in any language I wanted. L o l.

I wrote the optimal 5 liner solution in pseudocode and they were like “um what would be a worse way to write this?” And I couldn’t answer but apparently they wanted me to tell them that not exiting the loop when you find the value you’re looking for would be bad.

The followup question was “do you prefer dev, or ops?”

Thinking at how ludicrously simple the programming part of the interview was I replied “ops” and they said that was a good answer.

Tbh I’ve learned I prefer dev though.

I like languages where I can learn some basic syntax, get a feel for the intent and idioms of the language, then learn as I go. CSS is a wall of crap before you can be useful at all. At least if you’re going to try to use all the latest stuff.

And even that isn’t that hard - it’s all the inheriting rules and why isn’t my damn thing moving to the right which drive me crazy. That and in the flow vs. out of the flow.

I missed this but it feels mostly about politics and philosophical disagreements on how we should do things.

Like now they are revoking all cluster access for software teams and only devops can get access. This was really controversial.

Any language that feels the need to add !important because of all the built-in hierarchical rules and spatial inheritance rules of the page is going to be a mess.

Imagine a language where you try to set x = 100, but later on it gets overridden by other code, unless you make it x = 100 !important. Then it ignores the stuff that tries to change x further down the line. What a mess that would be.

Every single CSS dev I’ve ever known who’s looked at another CSS dev’s finished product has said it’s a mess. Not once have I ever heard a CSS dev say - “that’s some really nice CSS” about another dev’s work. That shows you how all over the place it is. 8 million ways to skin a cat. Everyone is just winging it.

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Isn’t that the same as const in other languages?


CSS selectors follow some obvious logic re: children/sibling and is relatively straight forward.

CSS specificity is also straight forward i.e. x beats y in z conditions (including !important, which should almost never be needed or used)

CSS rules are crap and made up yeah but flexbox is um… slightly less crap and made up.

Yeah but const would break when you even try to compile the code (or your IDE would blink red for JS if you try to re-assign a const).

I could make an argument that CSS3 is where someone with an artistic bent should focus if looking at typical frontend dev work … have some pretty good JS to go with it of course.

But if I was artistic I wouldn’t want to spend a minute on typical frontend dev work I’d want to be doing something with WebGL, Grayson Perry and Bjork :sunglasses:

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Here’s the thing that recently killed me. This is an alert header that shows up for some users (X closes it):

| icon | Content ----------------------------------------------------- | X |
|_______________________________________________ |

The header smoothly expands between a min-width of 1200px and max of 1600px - it uses a display:flex on the outer contains so the elements stay in proportion.

Here’s what they want:
|---------------------------- | icon | Content | --------------------- | X |
|______________________________________________ |

They want icon and content centered instead of left-justified, but the X stays on the right. Remember this thing expands from 1200-1600px, then stops. Below 1200 is fixed tablet view.

No problem I figured I’d just made the flex-box two column instead of 3, make one column 95%, then center the icon and content inside the first column in another div. Could not get this to work for the life of me. The content inside the 95% div absolutely refuses to center. It always goes to the left. I even had one of our CSS devs helping me and she couldn’t figure it out.

Apparently we needed to just redesign the whole thing from several levels up, which none of us had the time (or ability in my case) to do. One problem is I couldn’t just make the 95% div fixed width, it needs to flex. I’m trying to tell it - yes I want you to flex in size as part of your container, but your inner-contents should always be centered.

It doesn’t seem like there was any way to get the inner contents of the 95% div to not try to flex as well. Why does what the parent container is doing have so much influence on the contents of the inner div? Maybe it was inheriting justify-content:flex-start from the parent?

I basically see learning CSS as 1000s of these before I get proficient. Which is why I need a project where people are actually counting on me to push through it. The frustration level is way too high for self-motivation.

Yeah according to SO that should work.

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