

Redux people, do you use the same folder structure and conventions as the redux todo list example? And do you use the actionTypes.js file that just defines constants?

I heavily endorse the “ducks” structure.

I don’t know what that means.

it’s really bad on the linux section of that site. A lot of the time the best answer is buried in a comment.

Its an organizational pattern for redux that puts a category into one file and thats where the actions reducers and saga for just that one thing lives. ducks redux - Google Search

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Thanks, it’s just a few similar few lines in a few different places so it’s just a matter of finding all of them and replacing them with what suzzer gave me, so easy enough to do myself.

is this jQuery:


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The one caveat where things might get weird is supporting IE-11, old Edge, and other older browsers - which I assume we don’t care about. Before Edge went to Chrome - one of the killer apps for jQuery was giving a single interface for all the cases where browsers diverged. But that’s not as important anymore. is a great resource to make sure things are supported:
classList (DOMTokenList) | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

This is the caniuse for classList

But again - fuck IE-11. Anyone still on that gets what they deserve.

Fun fact: my first, very JS-intensive web project had to support IE-4, IE-5 and Netscape 4.3.


I’m very ok with IE users not having a perfect user experience on here lol.

I can probably look somewhere at what browsers are hitting us. Like you said I doubt many still use that.

I’m ok with IE users being publicly shamed and humiliated.

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Discourse stopped supporting IE (and EdgeHTML) last year

  • Jan 2020: Support for accessing the Discourse admin panel via IE11 will be dropped. Admins will receive an error message.
  • Mar 2020: All Discourse release notes will include a reminder about the upcoming drop in IE11 support, and link to this announcement,
  • Jun 1, 2020: Support for IE11 dropped. Users accessing Discourse sites from IE will see a readonly, basic HTML view, along with an “upgrade browser” banner.

Unless you have to support some legacy user group or something I can’t think of a reason to give any thought to IE at all.

We don’t have to, discourse did it for us:

I was looking at how to check which browsers are hitting us and I couldn’t find it in the settings.

ETA: doh, ponied

Fun facts at kickoff meetings really force you to ask some tough questions. “Holy shit what is actually interesting about me?” Micro-aggression imo.

Other fun thing on this meeting - POC that I worked on a year ago - literally just the bare minimum to prove the concept, involves interaction with a reluctant dev team on the vendor side who apparently have no front end resources, listed as being completed by 2/12. This is the guy I’m supposed to work with I guess “running point” not technical at all.

Whole project was listed to be done by 3/19. My boss was like “This is going to take a couple years.” Craziest disparity in expectations vs. reality I’ve ever been a part of.

Luckily I’ve got the captain thing in my back pocket and that generates small talk and interest. Otherwise it’s like “uhh, I play a lot of video games and shitpost on facebook, that’s about it”

Is there a project manager involved? Fuck project managers. Worthless. I totally understand the ire directed at me when I was doing that.

Yeah it’s a 3rd party vendor that we’re integrating. Apparently the checks just got signed or something. Clearly no idea what the work involved really was - so let’s just set some ridiculous dates and see how it goes.

Yea in those situations I just go into full CYA mode but luckily there’s a pretty decent and realistic upper management team at my current company.

2 summers ago I was given point on a project to integrate our embedded database into this startup’s shitty enterprise database. It was one of those “check’s already signed, we don’t care about this anymore” from my company. The other team was absolutely clueless and blamed us (and me) for every tiny problem they encountered. Most of the time I’d debug it and it’d be their mistake but their CTO would go behind me to my manager to complain. Ofc my boss would just show me the emails anyway. Still wanna send that dude a nasty linkedin message. 10 years ago I would have. He was trying to cover HIS ass because the project was hopeless from the start and we were all just thrown into it.

Learned a lot of lessons from that. Working with external teams is horrible.

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Don’t know if this is already sorted, but if you need SQL help I should be able to help, that’s my day job.

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If I spent half a day and learned the schema and the tables and brushed up I could probably figure some stuff out. I’m just really bad at joins and stuff. I took one database course in college, and it was heavily relational DB stuff. Then of course I get a database job out of college and it’s a k/v store, lol. No sql involved at all. I suck at it generally.

I work with SQL server which uses Transact-SQL, I assume the back-end for this is not SQL server but SQL dialects are sufficiently similar that I should be able to work it out.

Let me know what you need. I guess you’ll have to get me a copy of your schema though.


I honestly have nfi. This forum is exhausting me a bit, I think I’m taking this weekend off of learning. But in a few weeks I’ll get back to you if I am stumped. Thanks!

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