Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

I honestly think you’d be perfect.

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Where do I rank in terms of posts/read time?

I have the most posts read, but I post more than some of the other people who are among the leaders in posts read, which you can sort users by.

The obvious leader is the poster who is 12th in posts read but has made only one post.

Maybe. I know I’d sink a lot of time into going down the rabbit hole and actually citing posts in an attempt to adjudicate disputes, but I also have a lot of time with limited options for playing live poker.

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Riverman posts a huge amount in LC sports threads from what I’ve seen so that might lower his ratio a bit.

Can take it to the fun poster stats thread but I can write something up real quick probably after work. I am not good at sql queries and I dunno if we already have one that can show this.

But since this info’s publicly available, I can just show where you stand among people with over 200k posts read. Posts read / posts. Honestly I think the smaller that number is, the better.

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Of course and if its any amount of work don’t worry. I was just curious for fun.

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Hang on, I need to read 50k post really fucking quick.


Where do I sit in read/posts?

Isn’t the larger number better?

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Just my opinion but previous mod experience is not a positive for what we’re trying to do here


If i was selecting someone who was the most active and had the most posts read - a good metric for a mod - I wouldn’t want some lurker with some massive posts read to posts made ratio. I’d rather they have some high threshold of posts made (like let’s say at least 1500 or something ) and then see among those users who has the lowest ratio, to determine who’s very very active and not a lurker.

Maybe that wouldn’t be everyone’s best metric for a mod, but to me I’d like someone reasonably active that also reads a lot, so they have good context on drama and people whining at each other for “he said/she said” kind of stuff.

fuck no, we’re here to shitpost son, get out there and start makin moves


I’m grunching hardcore here, but I’d like to put forth a proposal for forum governance to hopefully solve all of these issues.

Admin - currently jmakin. Handles all technical aspects of the forum. Helps weigh in on moderation issues and general forum policies but has no duties related to day to day moderation. Serves in this position for as long as they are willing to and commits to not leaving this job without finding and training a suitable replacement from the community.

Moderators - 4 mods who serve 1 year terms, with two mods rotating out every 6 months. After serving 1 year, must take 6 months off before becoming a mod again. Handles day to day moderation of posts where necessary and has power to issue temp bans as they see fit up to 24 hours. Any ban over this length (up to and including permanent) must be voted on by the full mod team. A temp ban may be issued while the longer length ban is discussed. If an issue is a 2-2 tie between the mod team admin breaks the tie. This is the only time admin decides on moderation issues.

Forum Arbiters - 3 people in this position. Should be viewed as people who never participate in forum drama and can be as unbiased as possible. Help step in to resolve complaints raised by posters against a mod or the moderation policies of the site as a whole. A ban over 24 hours may also be appealed to this group. Otherwise they have zero day to day moderation duties. Decisions require minimum 2-1 majority and are final. Serve in this position for as long as they are willing to.


Ahhh I thought you were speaking strictly about the ratio.

Np, it’s fun to me. I think I just need to add like one line to a python script. I made all these scripts to get user data from what’s publicly available months and months ago “just in case” but never ended up getting enough interest, lol.

Sounds pretty good but I think one year is far too long





3 months is pretty good. And I think a lot of people who would be willing to do it for 3 months wouldn’t even think of doing it for a year.


Good lord, we have to revisit this drama every three months?

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