
I can learn to code in 26 weeks for 12 grand from OU. How do I say no?

It think the db is postgres.

Not sure if serious or sarcastic, as I’m from Europe I have no idea if OU stands for quality education.
I do have an opinion about “online coding bootcamps” in general though, as I came to my job through one and have since been involved in hiring (mostly rejecting tbh) and mentoring people who went trough bootcamps themselves.

They (the bootscamps, but also the “graduates”) mostly suck, at least the ones who didn’t have prior experience and / or a ton of dedication. The courses themselves ore often quite good, and if you have the spare money and know no programming you will learn a ton, just don’t expect to be a good hire after completing it.

YMMV, every person and online course is different. I paid about half for mine and it was a big (but fun) waste, from a “becoming a real programmer” POV. I did get a job from their Slack Channel though, and experience in that one made me a real programmer, so financially it was 1000% worth it in the end.

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My entire CS education was ~25k

12k for 6 months feels like a lot. I do not have experience with these things though.

lol CS education


My entire CS education was $117.

3 classes at SF City College for $13/credit hour.

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I think my education was somewhat of a waste of time for what I actually do. Too much time spent on math and theory and not enough hacking stuff. I didn’t even touch (or ever have to) the command line til my final quarter.

I know a 2p2er that went to the same JC and Uni with me at the same time, he was about a year ahead. Very bright guy. He works at google now. So it worked out very well for him.

I also got my first job from a professor. While that experience sucked, I still got something out of it and now I work for a pretty decent sized, successful company.

If I had to do it over again I’d do it the same way.

I like to brag about being a college dropout and non-stimulus-receiver but honestly what it comes down to is being lucky enough to have good programmer/logic genes. My uncle created undo!

If you don’t have high income right now, government help in pell grants can be generous — taking the costs to zero. Which can make the traditional CS degrees more attractive if you have the time.

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Well, I got the excellent presentations part, at least.

I have nothing but time at the moment

This is what I did. I paid ~0 for my education. I just threw out the cost as a comparison.

As some of you may know, I’m an executive recruiter, mostly for manufacturing operations and engineering roles, from $100k/year individual contributor jobs on up to President/CEO. I’m working on a cool yet challenging search right now for a client that needs an Embedded Linux Engineer.

Is it inappropriate for me to see if anyone can help network? I can post a few of the details, but don’t want to if it’s not kosher.

I know some extremely talented embedded engineers and can pass the word around. At my last job, we created an embedded key/value store. Very competent at C/linux.

Cool. It’s a confidential search, because we are replacing an existing engineer, so the client has asked me to keep some details private until I’ve had a convo with potential candidates.

Details if anyone reads this. PM me if you know somebody. Thx.
+Title is Embedded Linux Engineer, can make it Senior Engineer if title is super important
+Embedded Linux is a must obviously.
+Some one who doesn’t need a learning curve on Yocto is absolutely essential.
+Client is in Orange County. Flexible hours, but must be on-site, because classified materials can not be taken off-site
+I’ve already placed the VP of Engineering there, and he’s a stud and great guy to work for.
+They design and manufacture chips that go into timing and frequency devices used in GPS, etc.
+Must be a US citizen or green card for security clearance purposes
+Client is ready and willing to pay for top talent. Base salary of $150-200k with performance bonus on top. We can stretch the comp higher for the right person.

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I’ll pass the word along. I am in orange county. There may be one guy that’s actively looking for work.

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So you’re looking for someone to build missiles?

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Chips not missiles. The security clearance is required because some of their product line goes into GPS systems that are used by the Defense & Aerospace industries. Their products also go into commercial satellites, airplanes, surface vehicles, ocean vessels, timing controls for transportation networks. Anything that requires precision timing.

Hi all. Is this jQuery?

$('#main').on('click', '#twitter-btn',  function() {
    twttr.widgets.load( document.getElementById("twitter-sidebar") );

How to make it Vanilla, please.